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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • But you have to agree that a pizza shouldn’t be sitting out for 50 minutes before it leaves the store.

    In an ideal world sure, but we live in the real world with real world limitations…

    I too, would love to live in an ideal world where ideals override simple facts.

    But that isn’t the real world, and frankly, will likely never be true.

    So get over yourself and get used to existence, you abominable dirt-head.

  • No, they don’t. It was done away with for many important reasons, including but not limited to:

    -people intentionally giving the wrong address so that it takes over 30min, costing everyone from the driver to management both time and money

    -drivers speeding to meet their time quota, and causing wrecks at increased rates

    -driver shortages, amplifying the last point

    I worked for dominos as recently as last year. The number of people that still try to scam you over the 30min/free rule is asinine, and at least twice a week I had to explain to would-be customers that 30min/free hasn’t existed in at least 30yr for a lot of really good reasons. I’ve even had customers ask if they could tip “extra” to get it sooner. Unless you’re tipping enough that everyone involved (cook, dispatch, driver) gets as much as the order’s base cost (multiplying order price by 4 at minimum), we’re never going to do that.

  • Satisfactory. It’s been in early access for a few years now, 2019 I think? At the beginning of this year (2024) they announced the next update would be the 1.0 release. I’ve been playing it on/off for years, especially recently with all the strides they’ve made in development.

    The game is like Factorio, but presented as an FPS. You get dropped onto a planet in a pod straight out of Halo: ODST by a space-future megacorp called Ficsit, with the goal of harvesting the planet’s resources for Ficsit off-planet divisions.

    I have almost 1500hrs in Satisfactory since I got it, there’s no shortage of gameplay. Coffee Stain (devs) have been posting videos regularly, updating the community on new/discontinued features, revamped recipes and production rates, and even just being silly as much as being helpful, to the point where Coffee Stain is my go-to example of good devteam-community interaction.

    Oh, and it also has a really good modding community, so if there’s anything that’s not in game, that you want in game, it’s probably already been made by one or two modders.

  • In my most recently played campaign, I was playing a character that was eventually supposed to betray the party. I got killed long before that for being a general problem character.

    So my character had gotten a horn early on that, when I blew it, summoned a literal army of subservient goblins under my command, which we used to build/defend our base of operations. Unrelated to the TPK, but a funny thing came out of it because of the TPK.

    Kujo (the character) was probably close to true neutral, not doing good or bad unless it personally benefited him. At some point he gained a potion that, if he didn’t drink some of often enough, would turn him into a spikey godzilla-man of some sort. Kujo loved this cause it made him stronger in every regard.

    At some point, while wandering around a town, Kujo came across a couple of kids from the local orphanage, and chose to “adopt” them (he basically said ‘you’re coming with me’ and never spoke to anyone at the orphanage). After Kujo gave them some ‘soda’ (which were just extras of the potion from earlier) one kid sprouted wings from their back and the other turned to living stone like the Thing from Fantastic 4.

    A few adventures later, one of our party members is getting testy over Kujo’s chaos, and brews a couple of the potions with poison in them. As they watched Kujo down one of the poison bottles with no effect (level up had coincidentally JUST given him poison immunity before that session), and watched him try to hand the extra potion to the kids (who needed it as well).

    At this point, the person trying to poison Kujo jumped into action, not allowing Kujo to poison a child with the potion that they had made to kill Kujo. Immediately casts Disintegrate, which I passed the save for somehow, and Kujo beats it as fast as he can, chased by the other player.

    I don’t remember how, but I failed some kinda save during the chase and fell prone, allowing the other player to catch up. Between the Near-disintegrate and other spells thrown from the player at this point, Kujo was lucky to be alive. Which the player corrected almost immediately by curb stomping what remained.

    Now, remember those goblins? The entire army that was effectively running our base and doing all the logistic stuff while we were out adventuring? The one that was summoned when a horn was blown? Summoned by Kujo?

    Yeah they all just popped back out of existence with his death. Everything that was being done at base suddenly stopped. Our support network was effectively gone. We went back and the few non-goblin allies we had were cleaning up the mess, putting out fires where goblins disappeared while holding torches that fell after the goblins proofed, picking up tools/supplies that had been dropped, everything.

    Honestly that whole campaign was just fun, and the TPK was the cherry on top that made it so much better.

  • To give two sides of answers to your question: I played the early MK games on the Sega Genesis, and I would say start where you want.

    As others have said, the new canon for the series starts with the 2011 game. But honestly, the 2011 game is very similar to the OG games. If you only played the OG, then the new games will only be a better version of what you played up until that point.

    If you only played the new ones, it gives prominent backstory to various characters, and the gameplay is almost identical. It’s a great starting point for newcomers.

    Biggest difference is that the new games try to make everything one seamless story, the idea being comic book multiverse things, where in one universe, Ryu isn’t the God of Lightning, but a simple student at the temple. Stuff like that.

    TL;DR: There’s no bad place to start in the Mortal Kombat games.