Big nerd. Big fan of cool open source stuff. Generally queer. (He/him)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Borderlands. Couch co-op with my brother was pretty much what videogames was to me as a kid, and borderlands was always our favorite. I can't wait to have a platform I can play borderlands 3 and the tiny Tina game on with him over the Christmases when hes back in town (I know they're not quite as good, thats perfectly okay)

    These days, hollow knight is also genuinely very special to me. I don't think there's any game I hold in the same kind of place of reverence

  • I don’t mind a little bit of simplification, as the previous logo had a lot of little granular details that arent going to be as legible at different scales, but I’m not sure I’m entirely in love with the execution here. I like that they kept the nodes offset as opposed to the previous version for smaller scale applications, but the point where the left node originates from is too close to the base of the house, putting too many corners in close proximity for them to read clearly enough as separate corners and for them to not just merge into a bit of an organic wiggle if you’re not looking close enough.

    I don’t hate it though, and I think overall its a decent improvement in some respects. But I think the old one had more character, and was a bit better executed, even if it didn’t works as well at all scales

  • Its going okay, today I got to a higher competitive rank than I’ve ever reached before in a competitive game I like (splatoon 3) which I’m really proud of. And tomorrow I wake up early for two interviews. I dont actually want either job, but I’m practicing to work through social anxiety. I’m kinda burnt out though, so I’m looking forward to working through all the stuff thats currently on my plate so I can rest again 😅

  • I don’t have any real desire to block bots, the tldr, piped link, and link corrector for links to a community on an instance are all quite helpful, but it would maybe be nice in the future if folks could whitelist certain bots. Though I guess the easier solution is that folks can block bots they see and just not bother blocking the ones they don’t mind

    Using a not to post the daily thread is entirely reasonable. Anything that reduces the burden on folks who maintain communities is generally a plus

  • If you’re really hurt by something the appropriate thing to do is to be vulnerable and sincerely express to your partner that their behavior hurt your feelings.

    I think its very plausible that your partner didn’t mean anything (unless you have some other reason to think they’re unhappy, it was probably just an attempt at humor), but you’re allowed to be hurt by something even if it wasn’t intended to be hurtful. I’d reccomend reflecting on why it was hurtful to you (it seems like this is a big deal to you and its worth examining why that is under the surface), practicing some coping (go do something nice or practice self care) and have an honest conversation with your partner after you’ve examined whether this is caused by something you’re dealing with or an insecurity, and put some energy into coping with the emotions (understanding yourself and taking care of yourself and your emotions are important to ensure its a helpful conversation. Deal with the emotions first, then talk)