Developer for 30+ years, father of four.

  • 32 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The group entered the next room, where they were instructed via monitor about the shuttle ride when there was “trouble” with the monitors… then the lights went out. Dozens of small round flashes flickered through the darkness to simulate the “transporter effect”, accompanied by the transporter sound effect and a rush of cold air. When the lights returned, the walls and floor had changed… you appeared to be on the transporter pad aboard the USS Enterprise-D. The layout was similar to the usual transporter room as seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the group was facing a Starfleet uniformed transporter technician at their station.

    Basically, out of the blue, you are “transported”, which if you weren’t expecting it, was absolutely convincing. It seriously felt like you were in one place then “poof” you were in another place.

  • The one concert that is on my life long bucket list, for over 40 years, is to see Billy Joel live. He came to my local venue but I did not buy tickets because nose bleeds were over $400 and because I will not do business with Live Nation, period. It makes me sad but resolute.

    Edit: For more context, I grew up hearing his music and I remember distinctly driving west on Java from Jakarta to the West coast in 1984 in a little piece of shit Daihatsu van my parents owned (that consistently burnt the bottoms of my feet because the exhaust was so close to the floor) and listening to Billy Joel on an eight track while bouncing and banging around on the awful roads on the way to the beach.