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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • There was a guy going around St. Louis giving out wrenches to homeless people to remove them, and there was a guy going around Seattle just removing them himself. IDK if the sentiment has spread to other cities, I can only speak about the places I have lived and seen news reports about this.

  • Grades in college don’t matter as much as think unless your literally suda cum laud or however it’s spelled. There’s an old joke I used to hear in college, what do you call a doctor that graduated at the bottom of their class? Doctor. As far as the social thing goes, going to parties and shit every weekend isn’t for everyone, just slow your roll, see what you have fun and enjoy doing, your only 19, I wouldn’t even consider you an adult with a fully developed grasp of the world yet. The funny thing about college, most of your peers are in the same boat as you, they just won’t admit it.

  • I can see why, but you also have to consider before the invention of the clock we used sun dials to tell time, so that would effect how to tell what time it is in your particular time zone. I understand that is archaic technology in the modern world, but that is why time zones were invented and still relevant. Ask anyone that works in technology, old habits die hard, and by die hard, they go out kicking and screaming. Some SQL databases I’ve seen still run Solaris which has been a dead product for like ten years, navy boats that don’t connect to the Internet still run windows 95 (believe it or not, I don’t care, but I have seen them recently).