call me a cynic
You’re a cynic. Weird request but I hope you’re happy :)
call me a cynic
You’re a cynic. Weird request but I hope you’re happy :)
I fucking loved Returnal on ps5 and it’s a steal for the sale price right now!!
I feel like a lot of the microtransaction revenue is DLC as well. But like someone else said, there are the rare games that are free to play and don’t have super predatory mtx like Path of Exile or The Finals.
Fuck paying for them in full priced games though
Yeah I’d say that counts. It definitely feels like a community event to me and doesn’t cost money to participate
I want to punch her “cookie” in the face for being called “cookie” lmao
Do you know if there’s a way to subscribe to accounts on lemmy? I’m super new here but would love to see your posts as they come out
After all the negative press I’m actually pretty surprised how much I’m enjoying No Rest for the Wicked
Loved this!! Excited to see more (if you continue doing them which I hope you do!)
Is it your first playthrough of Bloodborne? If so I’m so jelly. I’d do anything to play that game for the first time again!! Don’t forget to do the dlc :)