• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Oh, that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I’ve got plans to incorporate a plaque that can be hung on a wall afterwards, that will use elements of both her grandpa, great uncle, and this uncle, heh. I’ve got my part figured out, just need to finish the other two…and I think I just got my dad’s figured out. He was known for growing russian olives, and there’s only a few branches left…I could carve a heart in a cross section, and place one of my claws in side of it…That’s what I’ll do…Now just one more…For our great uncle…We’ll be heading to his farm to find something next week. 🤞

  • Woke up early, prepared my work area for making an arch for my niece’s wedding. Wife doesn’t like my thoughts on it, but that’s nothing new.

    Right now, I found a way to make the couch more comfortable (wasn’t allowed to choose the couch, so got stuck with one that is uncomfortable as all hell, and hurts my spine). So I can sleep with my cats. Spine and food (GERD) is trying to kill me, though, but that’s nothing new.

  • Being fair is one thing, but being purposefully ignorant/dumb/mental is on a whole other level.

    “We’re going to let you pay $25 a month since you can’t afford any more than that”.
    Ok, that equals $75 a month.
    “No! We did not say that. It’s $25 a month”.
    Um! There’s three bills for this one thing, and I am paying $25 on each of those bills. Simple math, that’s $75. Not $25.
    “That doesn’t concern us”…
    What? That should concern your company. That should be very concerning to all three companies. Somebody won’t be getting paid in a timely manner.
    “That doesn’t concern us”…
    face palm.

    I mean, just how is that not a cause for concern? The amount of time wasted. Hell, the sheer waste of money, for all three companies have to pay three times for data entry for financial purposes, that could be done by one group of data entry employees. Not to mention the people who need this kind of payment plans, are not going to be the most mentally/emotionally strong which can not be good for a great many people’s well being…They’re in healthcare for Crype’s sake. They should know this…“That doesn’t concern us”…Fair is one thing, but this. This…This is just bonkers, and completely nuts.

    Sorry for the rant, but this really does get under my skin. If it was dealt with in a logical manner, I’d be fine. I wouldn’t have too much of an issue, but claiming I’m not paying when I’m obviously paying is just baffling.

  • I hate to say it, but I have seriously lost all respect for hospitals. Hell, the whole reason for this rant was because I wanted to find out what happened to my digestive tract by going to a different doctor because the one here was the one who prescribed the meds that did this to me. Now, not only do I have my pains that make living hard, now I have this GERD which makes breathing, thinking, and even eating hard. Plus, for the first time in my life, I’m over weight after being prescribed omeprozole. I ĵust can’t bring myself to trust them.

  • I did get financial aid, but I still had 3 bills. So I paid off the smaller two bills in two or three months (imaging and the doctor, about $300 or more, paying with the allowance I get from my spouse), then the third I paid what I paid on those two bills per month. I had paid about $120 before it got sent to collections, and the $400 I still owed jumped up to $750 if I paid it off (which I just got lucky and had enough money to pay it off), and would have had to pay about $900 if I would have still been broke.

  • Most likely. Would explain why they stated I had to pay the full amount, but would accept a deduction (Which was still half the cost on top of the original bill), if I paid right then and there…Which by my dumb luck, I had just made enough to pay it off and have enough left over to try and get some stuff to try and make a little more money…But nope. Had to spend it all on that.

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the Hospitals used a simple billing firm so people could pay one bill, over multiple bills, a lot less hassle and trouble would crop up, and they wouldn’t have such a great need of bill collecting services (I mean, they’d still need them, of course, but not so extensively). Nor waste so much of people’s and their own time.

  • I’m sorry you had trouble posting. It must have been a server glitch of some sort. We don’t censor any words here except for some VERY bigoted ones.

    Probably. Meh, looks like I missed one word anyway, heh.

    It is likely that your doctor’s visit and X-ray would be billed separately. This is standard because a radiologist has to read the X-ray. However, it is strange that you would get a bill that can’t be followed up on by calling the number associated with the company listed on the bill. It’s worth calling your insurance company to make sure this isn’t a scam of some sort if you have one. If you don’t, you can call the original doctor’s office and ask how that sort of visit would usually be billed to you. I used to be a medical biller and I saw this sort of confusion all the time. fo

    Nah, that’s not it. The X-ray, or the tech as I’m pretty sure the hospital billed me separately for it as I can’t see an X-ray only running $21 or $79 (To the imaging offices) and an EKG running $1400 (original cost) to the $490 (deducted cost).

    Anyway, the imaging offices were the exact same company, same location, as another payment I had paid them a year prior to this one.

    Also, wife just got a bill from Centura today, and yep, the bill goes to Denver…Not Cincinnati…😶

    I used to be a medical biller and I saw this sort of confusion all the time. fo

    Nah, it’s not that confusing. Though the splitting of bills has bit me in the ass before. I like to do things piecemeal. So I’ll pay more towards the smaller bills to get them out of the way before tackling the larger bills, so the last time I was doing the same thing. I had just finished paying off the smaller bills and was putting as much as I could towards the larger bill, and voila, two months later just like that, they terminated my financial aid, and sent it to collections…All for the dastardly deed of paying on my own…Oof! Yeah, it’s not confusing, but it is extremely dumb, I think, with how the billing process is handled.

  • Oh that has been on my mind, which is why I’m so leary about paying it. This time, however, I did call the hospital directly, and they claimed the same thing. They still just don’t understand that I’ve paid to Centura…In Denver…Which they’ve never been sent payments in Denver, and when I told them the city I’m from, they said I’d pay to Cincinnati, too…Which I’ve never done…

    Regardless, it’s definitely correct. For if the hospital says so, then the hospital knows. But still, what? what? what?

  • God! Which one to choose?

    The electrical company that let a drunk work because “he had 20+ years of experience”, which was rather dubious…

    Or furniture retailers that had delivery drivers…read that again delivery drivers, drive drunk/stoned/coked out, and they were well aware they were.

    Or people trying (Eh, let me be a little more specific…People certifying drivers) to drive in careers where people with mental issues should not be driving…(One guy I knew drove onto the shoulder chasing an oversize load with two bicyclers. He missed them, but god damn)…

    Or my entire fucking family who don’t realize I’m getting bad at driving, and expect me to drive regardless that I might get somebody hurt…(I get a lot of flack for that).

  • 2nd attempt to reply…O_o…For some reason my last reply just vanished…

    Anyway, there’s [email protected] for the moment. I want to get a little more mental strength before I actually setup a full fledged server. I want to make sure it is defederated yet accessible (meaning it can’t be seen across Lemmy/kbin instances and is hidden for other instances…I feel that’d be best for us).

    I can’t find anyone to realate to and my family always diminishes my pain, so I felt so alone.

    Same! My wife has been really really hard on me. I guess she has never been with me for the past 23 years to notice me slowing down. Oh, she claims she understands, but she surely doesn’t talk to me like she believes me (and other things of course…She really doesn’t like me, and I am more of a pet than anything else at the moment…I guess I should be thankful…At least I’m not a slave any more, 🙁 ).

    Anyhoo, better stop myself…Once I start whining, I just can’t stop…Time to look up some pretty pretty ferns, 😄

  • I did find that it can be done arbitrarily. Mind is definitely not into writing about it, though, but here’s the gp code I wrote to look it over.

        There may exist a 0<=t<s such that
        s divides both x and (x+(x%d)*(t*d-1))/d.
        To show this for solving for divisibility of 7 in 
        any natural number x.
        g(35,5,10) = 28
        g(28,5,10) = 42
        g(42,5,10) = 14
        g(14,5,10) = 21
        g(21,5,10) =  7
    /* Find_t( x = Any natural number that is divisible by s,
               s = The divisor the search is being done for,
               d = The modulus restriction ).
        Returns all possible t values.
    Find_t(x,s, d) = {
            C = factor(g(x,t,d));
            for(i=1,matsize(C)[1],if(C[i,1]==s, listput(V,t))));

    One thing that I noticed almost right away, regardless what d is, it seems to always work when s is prime, but not when s is composite.

    Too tired…Pains too much…Have to stop…But still…interesting.

  • Not sure, (“Older and a lot more decrepit” doesn’t mean “younger an a lot more mentally sound”, heh. Do wish I could change that, but meh, I can’t).

    Anyway, I did find a method similar to what you wrote, so I can redefine it in your terms.

    A base 20 number is divisible by 7 if the difference between 8 times the last digit and the remaining digits is divisible by 7.

    Ok, a little description on a base 20 number (Think Mayan and Nahuatl/Aztec numbers). 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 should be considered single digits. So a base 10 number, 7*17 = 119 (1*10^2+1*10+9), would be 7*17 = 5:19 in a base 20 system (5*20+19).

    • is 1:8 divisible by 7? (28 in base 10). 8*8 = 3:4. 3:4-1 = 3:3
      • is 3:3 divisible by 7? 8 * 3 = 1:4. 1:4 - 3 = 1:1 (1*20+1 = 21).
    • is 9:2 divisible by 7? (182). 2*8 = 16. 16-9 = 7 Check.

    I’ll just leave that there. So a long weird way of saying, yes, that’s pretty much my reasoning, but not exactly at the same time. As the first message included the base 20 numbers divisible by the base 20 single digits 7, 13, and 17. (Hopefully that came off a little better).

    (Note: Saying “base 20 number[s]” is not important overall. Just being overly descriptive to differentiate between base 10 digits and base 20 digits).