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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I use a sbc device with emulators now a days. It’s the perfect “pick up and put down” situation for me. I’d really recommend looking into it especially for quality of life things like save states and being able to pick up where you left off exactly.

    As for deciding what platforms to play, my biggest advice is looking at how many buttons a controller has. I don’t see people talk about this a lot, but when I’m looking to play a simple game, my first thought is “how many buttons do I feel like using?”

    With this thought in my mind I’ve been gravitating towards things like GBA, SNES, N64, and when I want something a little more complex, Ps1 or Dreamcast.

  • I’m going through a very similar situation. Honestly my first and most important bit of advice GET MEDICATED. It helps so so so much (even if it stops actively feeling like it). Seriously, I cannot stress enough how important medication is.

    My biggest issue with my anxiety/depression is my overthinking. It feels GOOD for me to spiral as deep into my thoughts and worries about myself, my relationship, my problems (bills, health, etc) as possible. My advice for this is to take things one step at a time. Literally force yourself, when you’re having these incredibly stressful moments, to have a “1 foot in front of the other” mentality.

    You have to understand and accept that it IS okay to have these feelings/thoughts/emotions AND its okay for you to experience them. Just don’t let them take control, and tell yourself you’re going to move forward, one step at a time.

    I know the advice I gave is hard. It is really fucking hard to stay on top of. Do not feel bad if you don’t get it the first couple times you try. It’ll take time to get into the flow of things. But that’s just how it has to work. You’re forcibly trying to “rewrite” how your mind responds to traumatic/triggering stimuli.