• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • That’s a lot of vague statements you’ve repeated from the article. What’s drinking “regularly” (this was before the diagnosis as you’ve stated)? “She kept drinking”, what does that mean? How much alcohol was she consuming? Did she have a sip of her friends wine and was honest about it so was rejected?

    as the article also says it’s incredibly dangerous for someone to get a live-donor transplant when they’re in bad shape like she was, as failure of that means they’ll need to let her die on-table or transplant a good dead one into her

    Where does it say that? You’ve completely twisted the statements.

    “On the off chance their (living) liver doesn’t work, they urgently get listed for a deceased donor,” said Jayakumar. "We need to make sure that everyone who is a candidate for a living donor is also a candidate for a donor graft as well, " she added.

    Huska’s time at the Oakville hospital likely cost over $450,000 - ($3,592 per day for ICU care) with an additional 61 days in a ward bed which likely cost about $1,200 a day, A liver transplant in Ontario is pegged at about $71,000 to $100,000 in Ontario based on data from 2019.

    In 2021, 15.6 per cent of Canadians over 12 engaged in heavy drinking – a term defined as five or more drinks for males, or over four for females, on one occasion at least once per month in the past year.

    Heavy drinking is drinking ONCE per month in the past year. If this is based off of before her diagnosis, you’re gonna exclude like 80% of the working population who actually does go out for drinks or private occasions (unless they just lie which I guess they should’ve in this situation). Between the price of keeping them alive but not fixing the problem and there being no “review” process for decisions, I would categorize this as a bad system that allowed a preventable death from an alcohol related disease to continue.

  • is it weird that I don’t think it really looks like Starcraft (would probably be an improvement if it did though)? I’ve been looking at a lot of newer or undeveloped games like someone posted in one of the cross posts and all the games just have this moba-mobile look that seems like everyone is stuck on.

    It’s like AI generated images, they all have this same look and feel to them no matter what it is but you can’t quite explain the fakeness to it. I can’t even really look at older games art styles comparing to the newer without getting confused with what’s happening or how it could be corrected.

  • I don’t know if I would high-horse water bottle it. What you’ve said is true of any website or even downloading emulators and roms unless you’ve created the rom yourself with the original. Your statement makes it seem like that process is completely safe and making it a false sense of security. You can gain confidence in a source but that’s never a guarantee.

    The saving file is definitely a bonus and being able to secure an emulator on a non-networked device is even better. I just threw up the online emulator for that instant itch nostalgia hit if the person wanted it. Chrono Trigger is a very long game if you explore enough, wanting to play it and being to actually play the entire thing is sometimes completely different. I’m definitely grateful for the resources you posted up so they can follow through with that path if anyone wants to go all the way.

  • I don’t know of any satellite company in the U.S. that does free service, used to be able to hijack a signal back in the day with some sketchy equipment but that’s basically not a common thing anymore. We do have free broadcasting with a digital receiver they switched over from analog a little over a decade ago (info). At the time they gave out free receivers since most tv’s weren’t compatible so a lot of people just never made the switch. Real shame too because they added a lot of channels with the change and I thoroughly enjoyed the upgrade (each channel got sub-channels as well so there was a lot more airing/to choose from).

  • ok, gonna have to school some peeps with some pizza knowledge today.

    First off, this is a thin crust. Dough comes to the store pre-made with perforations, you might get one small bubble in a thousand pizzas. So, not a bubble issue. (sorry @[email protected])

    2nd, the pizza was cut previously from the incident as indicated by the cut marks of the classic “8 slice-large”. These cuts have been covered where the cheese has been squashed from the smushing After cutting. (sorry @[email protected]) Also, the ovens are designed to only allow a particular height through, bottles on top of a pizza wouldn’t even make it in and the smell would be atrocious.

    C, the standard thin crust from PJ’s comes only with special seasoning (a small paper packet of seasoning) and some pepperoncini peppers, it does not contain the round garlic sauce containers. If it had, the marks would start round and end round. (sorry again @[email protected])

    Two likely culprits in my book, one would be the oven attendants personal bottle. On busy days you have seconds to cut, package, and add all the sides (wings are the worse with extra sauce on them and extra side sauce you always run out of). Damaging a pizza can be a daily occurrence. Lastly, probably a sauce bottle itself. There are several of such size and design for the garlic Parmesan, buffalo, bbq, etc. Whole container full of bottles you usually hand off to someone helping you catch up and probably dropped it into the open box after cutting and before putting on the heating rack.

    The reality, this was probably a bad pizza set off to the side on the heat rack. There are no sides present and typically you’ll see a wet residue from the peppers once they’re placed in the box (you don’t put sides in a bad pizza/one being remade). The slice stolen was probably a co-worker grabbing a slice during working hours and another co-worker took the rest home. Probably thought it was funny and snapped a photo for the sharing feels.

    edit: changed cooling rack to heating rack, I will now perform Seppuku with my pizza cutter for my disgrace.

  • In all of your fervent defending of a non-issue, have you ever wondered why people go crazy to cause a security issue? It’s because they all want to see their carefully curated bff tay-tay, an image created and maintained by Swift Inc. This is their own problem, and they do it to feed the fanatics that pour every penny they have into an imaginary persona. How the hell is everyone not realizing she’s a BILLIONAIRE, where do you think that money is coming from? It’s the same people that are now “security threats” apparently.

    This is like getting mad at the news for showing black friday purchase riots. You’re completely ignoring all of the situation to defend the poor companies being swarmed with customers.

  • Cataphract@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    8 months ago

    Yeah I couldn’t think of a better word lol. I should’ve prefaced it by saying the one from the pic above looks dry as hell. I like to see that sweetened milk slightly settling out of it when you cut a piece from it. Though it’s probably delicious in it’s own right, I just don’t know where those 6 milks are disappearing to if it’s even drier.

  • Cataphract@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    8 months ago

    It’s an awesome milk (leche) inspired cake. I’ve had the 3 milk (tres leche) cake and it’s amazing (the wetter the better!). Gonna have to look into what 6 milk products they’re using for this though. It’s a sweet and juicy dessert where I’ve had it and doesn’t disappoint.