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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • You’re really latching onto that sometimes bit hard aren’t you?

    the context of this post is about upvoting incorrect information, and downvoting correct information.

    …information about… come on… you almost got it. I’m glad you learned about catch basins, unfortunate that you believe it negates any water run-off. You do have an outlet from the basin right? Is this a magical abyss of a basin that catches all the run off from your 3k sq ft structures and you think it’ll never fill up?

    I see you’re already engaging with the OP and admitted to having horrible reading comprehension since you couldn’t discern the original intent of the post. But then you continue on with the SoMEtIMEs!! rhetoric. As you’ve stated, you’re a niche land owner who is ACTIVELY adding on to an already oversized shed, your land wasn’t originally developed that way nor is that a practice that’s done without an active home owner who has stated those needs to the builders. No one is going around developing 60%, sOmETiMeS! people add on as is their right after purchasing. Love your use of picking and choosing through the argument, truly impressive.

  • Nice to see you showing your ass on a pedantic post like this.

    outside of niche hobbyists or being used for work related activities/storage is nonsense

    oh look, you fit the exact description I referred to! The context of this conversation is about a mass land development, try to fucking think about it.

    No, not adding a shed, extending my garage/shop… perfect concrete with a drain.

    perfect concrete?.. you do know a drain has to lead somewhere right? Into the surrounding area which if it was all developed like you’ve done would cause problems. “Slapping” refers to adding on or new but I see I hit a nerve talking about your “bestest shed”. Would be interesting to see the videos but I try not to support creators who are assholes and your descriptive reply does nothing for the conversation. Again, you’re helping prove the point that a few anecdotal observations isn’t the norm or recommended but seems to get upvotes. Continue arguing on though, love to see the hot gas pouring out of more than a hawt dog furnace.

  • unless you don’t consider steel frame buildings and pole sheds, but why wouldn’t you?

    You do not, in fact, count those buildings towards your houses square footage. Doing so would open yourself up to all sorts of liability.

    Covered, enclosed porches can only be included if heated and using the same system as the rest of the house. Garages, pool houses, guest houses, or any rooms that require you to leave the finished area of the main house to gain access are not counted in the square footage of a house. source

    The only common situations in which the exact size of a home may be legally important would be:

    1. For tax appraisal purposes
    2. For qualifying for a certain mortgage or home equity loan
    3. If a buyer has already bought, or at least has signed a contract on a home, and now claims that fraud was committed because the home is not as large as advertised. source

    For further considerations of those that are interested (ANSI Draft, figure 1, page 6, outside source as the real ansi website is just atrocious to navigate and I’m not gonna dox myself by loading up local code.)

    As shown, the upper-level plan has an open foyer and a protruding window that does not extend to the floor; neither area contributes to the square footage of the upper level. The calculated finished square footage of the entry level does not include the protruding fireplace, covered patio, garage, or unfinished laundry. The finished area of the basement is counted toward the below- grade finished square footage in its entirety, including the area under the stairs that descend from the entry level. The area of the unfinished utility room is calculated by using the method prescribed in the standard but is not included in the below-grade finished square footage.

    All that aside, you’re slapping a 25’x52’ shed onto your 1/4 acre property? That’s almost 20% of your land use not including lot encroachment setback, drainage, and basic driveway/building infrastructure. It’s your property so definitely do as you wish, but to think this is a common practice or a desirable thing outside of niche hobbyists or being used for work related activities/storage is nonsense. Neighborhood flooding, no natural green spaces for habitats, it all sounds like a horrible dystopia on your mini-compound.

  • I don’t wear headsets but I have a similar shape (not sure if it’s as pronounced since I haven’t shaved it like that). The article goes onto explain that it takes near 300lbs of pressure to dent the skull and if anything it’s just soft tissue/fat being weird, which can go away through massage and giving it a break lol.

    I guess if you’re wearing something as tight as a belt it might make the fat form around differently. I’m skeptical though, I just don’t know what kind of devices these guys are specifically wearing and the weight/time duration so I guess anything is possible.

  • and yet every single online grocery shopping I’ve been on refuses to have a filter or sort by price per weight option. It’s even more incredibly infuriating when you have to click into an item’s description or calculate it yourself, extra bonus hell points to the sites that change the weight metric so it’s an extra step to figure out what the actual comparison is (probably more a US problem with ounce/pound conversion).

  • I don’t want to jump in on @[email protected] 's chance to reply but he stated basically what I would’ve replied with above. I believe that UBI wouldn’t change how things work, it would reset it to a previous economic time but with more equity since everyone would get it (getting back to livable wages because it’s supplemented by the UBI). The government’s have shown a failure of holding capitalism responsible for distribution of wealth (stagnant Fed minimum wage, forcing unions to accept terms/not strike) so subsidizing wages seems more of a greener pasture than our current trajectory.

    You would still be able to start your own business, I don’t think anyone is calling for UBI mixed with communism (government owning all production). Rather, some breathing room to return to more prosperous times where you have more options.

    • Working + UBI = more savings (possibly as a jumping point so you can start your own business)
    • 1 working adult ( and 1 at home adult) + 2 UBI = a stay at home parent to help raise children without going into debt
    • Education + UBI = less financial impact for higher education since the problems aren’t being addressed
    • Disability + UBI = able to afford medications, food, and rent at the same time (a current problem also not being addressed)

    I agree the “freedom” some would experience would be hardships trying to live off of it. It’s hard and mentally draining work to be more self sufficient as humble homesteaders will attest to(it’s a rather well put together video from a contestant on the “Alone” series). But, atm most people can’t afford to start their own business or even realistically consider leaving their current workplace. Dropping into higher education for a career change without incurring enormous interest is near impossible without support (as climate regulations are needed, some jobs will have to be lost and those people need reassurances they can find a new path). Hell, use your UBI supplement to help take a vacation more than once a decade if it helps with mental health, fix a car instead of purchasing a new one (lower climate impact), etc etc.

    There’s just a plethora of problems atm that constantly get politicized or fail to have common sense policies implemented to help the situation. UBI would be a catch-all for a lot of those programs. Instead of battling it out on each front constantly (lobbyists, activists, personal conflicting interests from those elected), this would be a nuclear option to end the war (feels insensitive with the current Oppenheimer/Japan stance, but was the best metaphor I could come up with atm).

  • I must have an overactive imagination because I can think of plenty of problems that unregulated space industry could cause.

    Industry requires infrastructure and support, when speaking space terms everything is way more expensive so cost cutting will be rampant on all systems. Centralized space communication hub? No, we’re gonna be bombarded with signals since maintaining the equipment on ground is cheaper (astrology sciences would suffer). Way to many objects in an orbital plane? Not their problem till eventually it becomes a catastrophic event as our own planet can become (Kessler Syndrome). More mass requires more fuel? Dump all the junk at every opportunity clogging space lanes (micro meteors and radiation will no longer be the main safety concern for travel).

    I could go on and on, think about the current state of shipping and logistics. We already have events where ships were forced to sit for weeks outside of docks waiting to be unloaded (source). The space faring ships will only increase in size. What do you do with the useless containers they ship the contents back to earth with? The cost would be too high for re-usability getting it back into space. What about the workers who are at an unregulated site and their conditions?

    I agree it’s a conundrum of how do we advance when advancement causes destruction. It’s something I’ve wrestled with when considering the Fermi paradox. Either you live harmoniously with the planet and die when it’s environment changes, or you use that sucker up and get out of dodge before the next mass extinction takes you and nearly all of the living creatures out. I’m hoping in the future we meet some neighbors that can show a middle ground works well to persuade out current trajectory.

  • What do you think the majority of people are doing now?

    I do agree with the previous comments though that UBI can’t successfully exist by itself. Heavy regulations and consumer protections will have to be revamped but that needs done regardless of UBI or not. It’s the same vein as the loan forgiveness program the Democrats tried to implement in the US, they never actually addressed or promoted any policy change that was needed in higher education costs.

    The mental gymnastics are interesting though. The same people who scream to vote for the “lesser of two evils” will not use that premise for actual policy. Inflation will go up regardless of UBI (as we’ve seen from corporate greed), any type of shelter during record making climate dangers is better than homelessness.

    Also, I take offense to the drinking pasta water comment (not really offended but it’s funny you commented that). It’s literally how ramen is suppose to be consumed.

  • Concentrate on only one aspect of the game that you think you’ll enjoy and the rest becomes side-play you can enjoy leisurely. For instance I was on a huge korok seed hunt with BOTW because I love collecting things like that. As I cleared an area I would move further out and slowly got into the open world like that.

    For another style of game I concentrated on just mining with Eve online because it’s so information dense you will overwhelm yourself trying to learn the basics of everything. Few days of mining and I was excited about trying out some combat missions etc.

    Just don’t look at the overall picture, focus on a mini aspect of the game and expand from there.