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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I genuinely don’t know how people are having their web browser use so much ram. How many tabs do you have open? Even at work where I run a commercial loan origination system and our core customer system in a web browser, at most I’ll have 15-20 tabs open. I don’t know how people are having dozens and dozens of tabs open that they’re using 64 gb of RAM.

  • We finally got a viable replacement for Comcast internet. I changed the moment I was able to and couldn’t be happier. 1.2Gbps symmetrical connection for $85 a month. That plus YouTube TV is $70 cheaper than what I was paying Comcast for their garbage service that had constant outages. Before, the only options were mobile internet or Verizon DSL.

  • The problem is that there isn’t a great replacement for it now. The same with reddit. I’m on here and I’m on Bluesky. The main uses I have for both Reddit and Twitter/X is sports news and discourse. Reddit for the discourse and Twitter for the news. There aren’t the communities here to have that. I want to talk Orioles baseball but the Orioles community here literally has zero comments other than bot comments updating scoring updates/pitching changes during the game threads. I’m trying to do my part and comment/post stuff to them but without any actual responses or conversation it feels like yelling into the wind.

  • I have worked for the last 6.5 years at a faith based credit union ($400MM in size) despite being an atheist. All of our meetings start with a prayer. They have been good up until recently where we’ve done more and more investment real estate lending and that doesn’t sit well with me with our housing crisis in the US. Have a 3rd interview with a regional bank ($14Bn in size) to move to more C&I and CRE loans instead of single family homes. I know they are still involved in it but I’m not going to be the one writing loans on investment properties. They also do a lot of affordable housing lending and community reinvestment in distressed areas.