‘Femboys are the best for you’
I like my phone, it’s inclusive and friendly.
‘Femboys are the best for you’
I like my phone, it’s inclusive and friendly.
Id love to know how you got the first layer to stick, I couldn’t get my Cr-30 to print anything more then spaghetti.
Oh I know, I was just stating the three words I’d say to my boss. If I ask what happened, then I probably just arrived to see the mess at the same time they did, right? 😁
The real question for the intenet is how long until your character ends up with Rule 34 art?
The answer is, when you showed the internet!
Again. This bill was introduced last year, by the same person, and it died at the time because of some grassroots actions. Now, the wording is slightly different (so it can be introduced again as a “different” bill), and it’s being tried again.
It’s pretty common practice to do when an inmate is going to be outside prison walls for transportation or court trips. At least in NY it is.
Although Black Flag was pretty fun, the sailing mechanic was my favorite. Other then including that, I agree with you.
Ormagöden, The Fire Beast, Cremator of the Sky!
CO is 97% the weight of typical atmospheric mix, so yes it’s lighter, but by such a small difference that it spreads and fills a space evenly over a short period of time rather then starting at the ceiling and filling in the space downward.
Basically, going down to escape won’t work, you need to get away from the area of high concentration.
Also expect some stringing, a little bit during printing is ok. Use a heat gun if you have one, or a blow dryer can work well as a replacement. The heat causes the thin strings to contact and they practically disappear as you watch. It’s pretty fun to do, and satisfying.
I always head-canon that the transporter pad auto adds .02mm to the Z-Axis of anything that beams in. Just far enough enough that a person won’t really feel it, and objects don’t rattle or tip from the tiny drop, but not too far so it’s not as jarring. Of course a good transport operator can override this, to make an even “smoother” landing. If the tech can reassemble molecules, then why not have an accuracy of microns rather then millimeters? No chance of interphasing matter, if it never overlaps.
Well it took some time, but technically
PSA: You can opt-out of arbitration clauses
You can not be forced to give up legal rights in a contract in the USA, and anytime an arbitration agreement in the US is pushed out onto the public like a big ol’ turd by the @55holes 5h!tting on us from up high, we have the legal tight to opt-out. This usually only lasts for a limited amount of time, typically 30 days after “agreeing” to the new TOS, and the process has to be done manually, like with an email or actual letter. Yes it’s a pain, they design it that way so less users will do it. But it can be done.
Sometimes I use the ‘crumbs’ for a small print, like model bases or tests. Other times I weld all the remainder together and run it like normal. (This works for me because I tend to print in the same color and material alot.) My other option is using these small amounts for my 3D pen, which I use to join parts together like a welder. It works really well for some of the dice towers I print that come as two or three parts, on seams that won’t show. I super glue the last joint so everything is solid and seamless to the eye.
Hidden data got me good
Whelp, time to be going. leaves lemmy for the night
TIL Musk has Canadian citizenship