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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I have had some involvement in very similar rifle shooting and there is obviously crossovers with pistol shooting. Honestly the fact that you consider those glasses a “gray area” of cheating made me snort laugh. No one in that sport would consider that even close to cheating. Full stop. I’m not trying to be rude but you clearly know nothing about this sport. Those glasses are ubiquitous in many types of competitive shooting at this level especially air pistol/rifle.

    In fact if you think this is cheating you need to see what rifle shooters wear because those rules allow way more gear (including your “grey area” glasses).

    Also you don’t need something tied to your finger to feel your heart rate…You can clearly see your heart rate in your sights (yes, even irons).It could be a counter balance if it was measured perfectly but that’s risky because if her stance changed at all it could pull her off. I’m honestly surprised her coaches let her risk having that thing at all. It looks like a liability to me.

    Edit: I just went back and looked a d there’s no way that things a counter weight. It would need to be close to the weight of that pistol to be helpful. Air pistols are light but they aren’t “stuffy” light.

  • So object permanence is way more extreme than what most people with ASD or ADHD experience. You can demonstrate a lack of object permanence in young children by presenting them with a toy and then covering the toy with a blanket, while they child is watching. The child will react as if the object is gone and be unable to find the toy. It’s at some point in the toddler phase where most children pick up object permanence. For example you’d expect a 4 year old to lift the blanket they saw you place over the toy.

    With ADHD it’s an attention/working memory issue. I’d expect an ND adult to know to look under the blanket they saw placed over an object immediately after it happened. Someone without object permanence couldn’t do that. It’s why peek-a-boo is a fun game for babies but not ADHD adults.

  • This isn’t the uniform they would wear for actual boots on the ground warfare. These people are the equivalent to the navy not the army or marines. Snipers arent picking Admirals off regularly on their own ships. If they went “ashore” it would make sense to have different uniforms unless they were knowingly doing a diplomatic mission on that particular plant at that time. Then you wear a dress uniform. There’s a reason dress uniforms look different from ACUs.

  • I’ll leave you with this OP, you need to have a discussion with your GF about where the line is for both of you with how much you are prioritizing this particular friend especially given the background. Even more so since your GF has been cheated on before.

    The fact that you are prioritizing your friend after already crossing the line with her multiple times, and failing to set even a single reasonable boundary, would be a massive red flag for me. Actions speak louder than words. Think about what actions your GF is seeing, that will matter more than you just telling her you “love” her. Your actions are also leading on your friend and indicating (to her and multiple people even in this thread) that you are open to a romantic relationship with her.

    I’m a bit older and would have no patience for how much more care and consideration youre showing this friend than your GF consistently. Your girlfriend sounds like she’s far more forgiving of infidelity in a partner than I would be, so she may be OK with still being in a relationship with you while you continue to prioritize someone whose shown a great deal of disrespect for her and your relationship. How your relationship works with this friendship is something you two should probably discuss explicitly.

    If OPs GF is really reading this: you deserve someone who will prioritize you over their affair partner.

    Best of luck to you both.

  • So this is actually really important context OP. If you’ve “overstepped” with this friend before then your GF may already feel a bit cheated on. For you to leave her birthday to specifically meet this particular friend given your background info? That’s a pretty devastating blow to the trust in your relationship.

    There is no socially acceptable way to tell your GF “I needed a break from you , on your birthday, so I went to hang out with a woman actively trying to get me to cheat on you with her.” Because it definitely sounds like thats what this friend was trying to do, if she’s allistic there is no world in which she wasn’t trying to take you on a date. (I understand meeting your friend wasn’t preplanned, that matters very little here.)

    Honestly OP I know you said in another comment that it hurt you that your GFs friends told her to break up with you but I’m seriously surprised she didn’t. This is gonna sound mean but I really just want to be as clear as possible, so I appologize for how blunt and rude Im gonna be in this next part. I just want to make sure you understand whats likely happening in you GFs social circle. Full disclosure, if I had the information from these comments and was your GFs friend I would be telling her, “He cheated on you on your birthday, and he’ll do it again. You need to break up with him. He doesnt care about you. Hes more into his friend.” And I’d be repeating it to her every single time you saw this particular friend. It’s wild to me that you’re not single right now. I don’t know of a single allistic person who would read this story, with the added context, and not assume youre at least trying to cheat on your girlfriend. If you want this to have a chance with your GF given her history of being cheated on then you may need to put this friendship on the backburner.

    On the flip side, it does sound like you might care more about this friend than your girlfriend. Given the sexual orientations that you’ve outlined elsewhere have you considered dating this friend instead of your GF? All three of you might be happier? Just food for thought.

  • So I accidentally stumbled in here and I’m making some broad and very possibly weong assumptions that most everyone else in this story is allistic. If that isn’t true you can probably ignore this, my bad.

    That said OP if your GF is allistic, and especially if this is a newer relationship, you may need to tell her that she needs to clarify her expectations explicitly with you in this area. If she is allistic there is no chance she’ll have thought she had to ask you “please don’t abandon me on my birthday to go on a classic date with someone other than me.” To an allistic bystander this whole story reads like you care more about this friend than your girlfriend who you dont seem to really like all that much. (Not saying it’s true just that that is gonna be the social impression given off). Also, if you didn’t do something romantic still leaving your partners party to go hang out with a friend will still largely be interpreted as prioritizing that friend over your girlfriend. I’m not sure if that’s what you were trying to do but that’s what allistic people who hear this story will assume. So if she was OK with you leaving the party to hang out with this friend nonromantically (which seems unlikely) you may want to include “my GF told me she was fine with me leaving her party” when telling this story. Otherwise I think you focusing in on just the romance part may be missing the point, the romance part just made it worse but wasn’t the whole problem.

    Also as a side note: if the friend who asked is of a gender you are interested in and knew it was your girlfriends birthday when extending this invite (and is allistic) then your friend was knowingly being an asshole to your girlfriend. Possibly also trying to sabotage your relationship. Just a heads up.

  • I picked this up in a airport years ago. I agree it’s probably not the best anthropology book (not that I’ve read a bunch of anthropology books). But it is a very easy book to understand and an easy read which many science books arguably are not. I think that alone makes this a valuable book because it easily delivers the concept of past environmental influence on the evolution of groups. It may not be perfect but it’s readable for us normal non-sciency people and that gives us a fighting chance to ask ourselves some important questions about how we see the world.

  • Originally the VP was whoever got the second most votes. Then the 13th Ammendment happened. Now in most states (all states) the President and VP run as a pair but the Electoral Delegates vote for them separately.

    Can the delegates vote for one and not the other? Depends. Traditionally you cast your delegate vote according to the results so you’d vote along “ticket” lines. In some states delegates ( who are often put forward by the parties) are bound to vote according to the election results. In some states they are not. Traditionally they do but as we saw last US election we aren’t even pretending to be doing sane things anymore.