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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • Your model is lacking in one area - poopy() has an inverse poopwash() where for some set of poopy objects Y, poopwash maps Y to a subset of the set of real world objects, but there exists a set of poopy objects Z for which poopwash maps Z to a subset of poopy objects.

    My initial instinct was to suggest that for all z in Z, keep(z) = false, however I believe your million dollar example runs counter to this. Nonetheless, I suspect there is a useful subset of Z, let’s say S, for which we can say, for all s in S, keep(s) = false.

  • One thing to watch out for though, is that if you focus exclusively on mult, eventually the scale tips and chips become more valuable.

    You’re always ultimately doing c * m, chips times mult, right? Increasing c by 1 increases your total by…

    (c+1)*m - (c*m) = (c + 1 - c) * m = m

    And vice versa for increasing m by 1. So, whichever is higher - your total mult or total chips - you should increase the other one. Usually this means increase mult, but building a bit multiplier can quickly make it outpace your chips for some hands.

  • My old kindle was a nightmare for this reason. Plus the socket got funky with age on top of that, and eventually there was really like 1 special cable that would work and it always seemed to end up hidden under 50000 things.

    Still, that does speak to the battery life of the kindle.

  • London is full of excellent amazing things but they’re spread out over an absurdly large area so it’s such a pain doing anything. And everyone who lives there is so numb to it! They’ll happily indulge every day in 3-4 hours of public transport as if this is a rational way to live.

    I’m very happy that they have a reasonably decent transit system, but fuck me I wanted those 4 hours in my life actually.