• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • They were willing to fuck over some people and drive them completely out of business.

    Which people? Developers. The very people that helped make Unity what it is. Unity wanted to completely crush their own developers. Some estimates put Unity’s fees higher than 100% revenue in some scenarios.

    Them back-tracking and saying “wow! we didn’t expect this to be so hated!” shows that they either don’t understand numbers (they do) or that they think their users are idiots.

    So why would developers want to come back to them?

  • I’m on Lemmy.world.

    Piracy talk is a big no-no, but I do get to see the continuous creation of never-ending pornographic hentai & furry shit or whatever. The drawings look like sexualized cartoons made for children and the furry stuff just looks like people drawing out their sick sexual fantasies of animals. Totally normal for the communities that are into that stuff. Don’t kink shame!

    My blocked community list is several pages long now. I really hate that I have to fucking VISIT a community before I can click something to block it. I wish I could tap-and-hold on a post and be able to block the community it was posted in or block their whole fucking disgusting server.

    But I can’t.

    Because that’s the beauty of Lemmy and federation.

    I’m guessing lemm.ee admins take a stronger stance against sick shit.

    Edit: a lot of the posts I see are from communities on the “yiffit.net” server. I have no idea how to block the entire thing. I’ll block one community from there and then posts from another will show up.

    Edit2: just saw a “kurumi_nsfw” post that looked like a drawing of a naked little girl and an “animefeet” post a little below where I saw this thread, so it’s definitely showing up for people.

  • If you’re building systems, I would assume you’re the kind of person that knows how they work.

    • The system tells you what CPU it has on boot.

    • The BIOS tells you what CPU you have.

    • MemTest86 would have told you what CPU you had when you tested it after assembling your system.

    • Windows tells you what you have in Settings > About and Task Manager.

    • Apps like CPU-Z have been downloaded a billion times and tell you what CPU you have.

    • Geekbench would have told you what CPU you have and how it performs.

    The article mentions someone paying a bunch for a specific CPU back in April, but then never bothered actually checking it until recently… What the CPU had written on it is meaningless. I couldn’t even tell you what my current CPU looked like before I installed it. It could have said Pentium 2 or 486SX or Core i-13. What mattered was that it physically fit, the system booted, and my software said “yup, this is what you paid for.”

  • Despite having so many game offerings over the years, it REALLY feels like Apple has still spent 30+ years shitting on games and gamers. They want games and gamers to conform to THEIR rules instead of them catering to games and gamers.

    I have a $4000 Mac with top-of-the-line hardware that requires that I use emulators or virtualization if I want to play games. I have a bunch of legit “macOS-native” games on Steam that I cannot play because they are 32-bit. OpenGL was also scrapped, and with it any chance of several games that could have been updated to 64-bit. Apple will tell you that those are old and depreciated technologies. Well, guess what, it doesn’t fucking matter.

    Meanwhile Microsoft and Linux developers have spent the same 30 years catering to games and gamers, trying to ensure everything under the sun keeps working, regardless of how old it is.

    Pretty much any Win32 app from the past 30 years still works on Windows, and Steam on Linux has made it dead-simple to load many Windows games as easily as if they were Linux games.

    I’m glad Linux surpassed macOS. I hope it keeps growing. It will be better for everyone when it catches up to Windows, as well.

  • As of April 2022, Blizzard had apparently sold over 50,000,000 copies of Overwatch. That means it is one of the best-selling games of all time. That is over 50,000,000 copies now gone. Of course you’re going to hear a LOT of complaints.

    Were any of those other games you’re talking about as big as Overwatch? Were they as successful as Overwatch? I really doubt they had anywhere near the player-base as Overwatch.

    Lots of companies switch games around. Many times it’s because they are financially hurting or otherwise need a way to increase funding.

    Blizzard had a massive hit and also promised updates to make the game even better.

    After years and years of promising this, Blizzard basically told all their customers psych.

    Not only was the big PvE mode not coming, they very game they were already playing all these years was also going away.