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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I had the same problem on my first try! I’d been trying to do everything and talk to everyone about everything and just drowned in words.

    On my second try, though, I took a different approach: what if I am this guy, just want to get the job done, and only do stuff for the purpose of trying to progress the case? That worked great for me, and the game is structured so this still takes you through much of its contents – only, now, there is a purpose to it.

    So, thanks, friend! I am indeed now enjoying this game, and I hope you are enjoying whatever you are playing also.

  • It’s difficult to answer without a better understanding on your customers’ workloads and how those trigger your outages. There’s a bunch of valid angles from which to look at this.

    If your product consistently buckles under customer workloads that they paid to be able to run, it sounds like you have either an underprovisioning or an overcommitment problem.

    If you accept customer workload spikes that you don’t have the resources to serve but would be able to process if they were more spread over time, it sounds like you have an admission control problem.

    If it’s a matter of adding resources to respond to customer activity spikes and you just have to do it manually, it sounds like you have an automation problem.

    If your pager load is becoming such that you can’t do project work to address whichever ones of the above are relevant to you, it’s time to hand the pager back to devs. If you don’t have the institutional authority to hand back the pager to devs, it sounds like you have a management problem.

  • A CPU performs operations like “read a small bit of thing from the memory into the CPU” and “do a small bit of computation on things inside the CPU” and “put a small bit of thing from the CPU into the memory”.

    Doing small bits of computation on things inside the CPU is very fast but moving bits of things from or to the memory is slow in comparison. In order to not be slowed down, CPUs read the code ahead of what is currently being executed, and try to guess what is going to happen and what will need to be moved from the memory into the CPU, so they can do it ahead of time, and have the small bit of thing from the memory already available right there in the CPU when it’s time to do a bit of computation on it. That way, there is no need to wait on slow memory, and the CPU runs much faster overall. That’s a good thing.

    In this case, a researcher found a way to make certain CPUs guess what is going to happen with the code wrong, in such a way that the small bits of things that were read from the memory ahead of time do not get properly cleaned up, and can still be found inside the CPU by another program. Those small bits of things might be your password or banking details, so that’s bad.