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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I know you don’t want advice. I know, but, there are meal replacements, that aren’t nothing but sugar, corn and soy crap, and are much more nutritionally complete. May be worth looking into them. Huel and Soylent (sold in Target for sure) are the first that come to mind. I understand if your reply is “thanks” just wanted to throw that out there, because I feel your pain.

    I have ALL kinds of GI issues. The latest GI I saw, after waiting like 2 years during covid (had one appt before lockdowns, and then had to wait), and then another like 4 months after I called to book an appointment, ran a HIDA scan, which came back as low/abnormal. His answer? Oh, well it’s too close to normal to do surgery, so just take miralax and don’t eat fatty foods. Gee thanks, why didn’t I think of that, professionally trained guesser extortionist? When asked if there were going to be long term effects from taking a laxative, like, idk making constipation worse, his answer? IDK, maybe?

    Good luck

  • I’m 5 years younger, give or take. Husband and I have been toying with that idea more and more. Liquidate it all, and buy an RV to travel in, and be happy checked out nomads.

    We don’t own a house, the absolute lowest rent we can find (within a 20 mile radius of our business) is $2600 a month (1 bed/1 bath), and every year Greystar and their cronies raise the rent significantly. The apartment we are in now is currently listed for right around $3k. It was up around $3200 about a month ago. It’s a fucking 1 bedroom.

    Food gets more and more expensive. Insurance for everything is easily $1k a month. All the “utilities” just keep going up and up, and being in San Diego, SDGE just keeps bending us over further and further. We pay more for electricity than anyone else in the country, last I heard. Fucking why?! Car payments, and petrol is hovering right around $5.50-$6 per gallon now. We never eat out because it’s inevitably over $50, and sucks.

    When I graduated high school, a house was somewhere in the $250k to $300k range, in an ok area, but far from most stuff (yay urban sprawl) with interest rates being over 7%. Ok. cool, in todays money that would be solid, but back then, I made less than $9 an hour. Then we had how many “once in a lifetime” financial crisis in the span of what 10 years, right after I got out of school.

    Owning a business gets harder and harder each year, and more and more expensive. City and county both keep making up new shit to charge a $300 fee here, a $400 fee there, another $250 fee there. Plus, hacking, banks, and the rest of the shit going wrong, we just had $4k stolen from our payment account, and Intuit (the fucking devil, only behind nestle) just shrug their shoulders, say they aren’t a bank, and to get fucked. I just don’t want to do any of it anymore.

    I also don’t have family to help me, so I’ve always been on my own. Your kids are VERY, unbelievably lucky. I have asked my mother for help once in my adult lifetime, and I was told I didn’t deserve it, and I got myself in the position, so I needed to figure it out myself.

    I didn’t mean for this to turn into a whine fest. But to answer the original question, no, I don’t. I did the right things, I started a business to better my life, and while I’d say we are squarely middle class, but what I was promised as a kid absolutely does NOT line up with reality.

  • Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but shit is literally aerosolized any time you flush the toilet. And it’s not contained the bathroom. And it doesn’t matter if the toilet seat is up or down.

    Mythbusters did an episode on exactly that. It is worse than you’d think. I can’t find the actual episode right now, but someone wrote an article about it/the findings.

    The other brushes were placed elsewhere in the home, including the kitchen and even an office on the other end of the building, and all of the other ones were rinsed daily but not used for brushing. At the end of the month-long experiment, the toothbrushes were analyzed by a microbiologist, and they found that every toothbrush had a microscopic amount of fecal matter on them, regardless of the distance from the bathroom. source

    Bidet or not doesn’t matter. Shit is literally all over EVERYTHING. ALL the time.

    Oh, and if we really wanna get fun about it, those hand dryer things……LOL dude. Sooooo much shit going EVERYWHERE.

  • Dude, I drive a Miata, and a 1st gen rx7. I can think of maybe 2 times I’ve needed to drive my husbands car (which is a veloster, so not terribly large either) in the 8 or so years of Miata ownership. At least one of those times was because I didn’t want to drive the RX7 from San Diego to Los Angeles with no air conditioning, no power steering, and a relatively heavy clutch, in the middle of summer, in rush hour traffic. Not because what I was picking up wouldn’t fit in the rx7.

    What exactly do you need to do multiple trips for?

  • It’s all relative, but no, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not.

    The issue, whether it’s conscious or not, is what we were sold (work hard, be nice, and you can have everything you ever wanted) not matching up with reality for most of us. My parents are squarely in the dead middle of the boomer generation. My step father is a construction worker, and my mother hasn’t worked since I was in high school. So they are one income, and it’s probably not an exceptional lot good income. They own their own home, in a very nice area, have retirement options, the world wasn’t literally on fire, they didn’t have to go through multiple once in a lifetime collapses, etc. In contrast, I’ll probably never be able to afford a home (run down houses on tiny properties are easily 800k here) and husband and I are dual income, I’ll likely never retire, my money is worth far less than theirs was, the world is burning, etc.

    I’m also the last generation that didn’t have to worry about school shootings. I was graduating the year columbine happened. Not a single thing has been done in over 20 years since. I’d actually say access has gotten so much worse. Plus the “gun culture”. It’s insanity. The worship is crazy.

    Then watching government fall into the farce it is, that’s bought and paid for. With little help coming to those that need it. And being a woman, watching my rights slip further and further away across the country.

  • I’m going to go along with most of the other replies. If she’s at work, she’s being nice because that’s her job. I’ve had many men take that the wrong way, and it’s uncomfortable. Like dude, I HAVE to be nice to you. I don’t necessarily WANT to.

    If you run into her in the wild, or she comes into your work, I think that’s ok, BUT be prepared to never go back to her work again. Especially if she says no.

    If she’s with a bunch of her friends, I’d say to not ask them either, unless you can do it very quietly. Someone else mentioned slipping her your number, and letting it be from there. I’d say that’s probably a good plan of attack. Definitely don’t just walk up to a table with her and her friends and ask her out in front of everyone though.