• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I think they’ll get away with it because they’re deliberately marketing it the way so many similar movies are managed: formulaically for kids, but with some actors and writing meant to give ‘the adults’ something to watch too. Unfortunately, ‘the adults’ are almost always assumed to have only a passing familiarity with the subject material, and I have a feeling they’re going to write the ‘for the adults in the room’ jokes with that assumption in mind.

    It feels like it’s being written on an outdated manual, ignoring the fact that there’s a very sizable core audience of 20 and 30-somethings they could tap into. My guess is that everything they tried only tested well with children in focus groups, since apparently they were dead-set on a live-action format from the very beginning. I hate to be so cynical, but it’s possible they decided to go all-in on kids because they can hit the appeal without worrying as much on the production standards.

  • “The vibe” is more or less wallowing in the feeling of not being able to get a partner, from a feminine perspective and usually in a cutesy “haha I can’t socialize and my life is a mess” way. This stands in contrast with many/most male incel communities, which tend to promote resentment and blaming a celibate status on everything but oneself (or pathologically blaming it on an immutable characteristic like one’s height or canthal tilt). There is a degree of toxic internalization that can occur either way, but I like to think the humorous nature intended by the posts is a way to vent out the feelings and riff on them with others.

    The transfem nature which carries over from the Blahaj instance dovetails with the community’s theme, since it is rather difficult for most trans women or similar folks to get into relationships, on account of various circumstances relating to transitioning as an AMAB individual. There are the matters of physical appearance which is a facet of the genetic lottery, plus the social aspects of dating while trans. The dating pool for most trans people is, uh, quite a bit smaller, and shrinks further still when looking for medium/long term partners mainly due to stigma associated with dating trans people (especially to cis men being in a relationship with trans women, and especially if one is visibly trans to the general population, think the whole “is it gay” discourse).

    So basically, femcelmemes is about acknowledging these challenges and playfully lamenting the celibate condition they bolster, while also allowing (trans)fems to embrace the girly aesthetic and mode of interaction while doing so. It’s a gender-affirming way to cope with the situation, so provides some utility despite the generally self-deprecating nature of the posts made there. One also doesn’t even have to be celibate (or even trans) to understand and find amusement in this struggle; you can just kind of vibe with the idea of defiantly girlbossing your way through a depressing time of life.

    I hope that helps explain somewhat. I’m maybe not the best spokesperson but I’ve been following the community for a while at this point. If you have any follow up questions I’d be happy to try and provide my best understanding of things.

  • tl;dr the signal appears to have been from a cold hydrogen cloud “resonating” off of radiation bursts; namely, those emitted by neutron stars. The stronger the burst through the cloud, the louder the signal on equipment. The WOW! signal appears to have been the result of a particularly powerful event, but by observing the same/similar (?) gas cloud(s), they’ve been able to spot signals with the same signature, albeit weaker due to being hit by less rare (and less powerful) phenomena.

    Some clarification might be needed on whether it’s a specific cloud that produces this signal, or if any cold hydrogen clouds are capable of it. I couldn’t seem to find any in the article itself. Maybe there’s something in the published research paper that provides further information.

  • Ah well talking shit about work is different than actually changing your primary focus away from it. It’s just a form of small talk and they generally change tune when you actually start doing stuff about it in your life. Not coming in on a day when the manager mass-texted us that the building was out of power? I didn’t know, but apparently everyone else still came in because “it might have come on later” and I guess I was just supposed to show up out of some distorted form of solidarity?? I get that others needed the hours on their check anyways but I didn’t see the point personally.

    They’ll find shit to talk about. If you decide the place is too toxic and work to cut your hours, that culture of complaining often shifts to include you, especially when you’re not there.

    Maybe I’m too bitter from my previous job but good gravy am I glad to have quit.