• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • The last time I believed trailers was dead island.

    The only reason why I played cs1 so much was because of the mods. I like to play the vanilla game before modding. I bought the game knowing that I would like it for a month or two, then I would wait for mods to come out and I’d hop back into it. I knew what I was getting and I didn’t have a problem with the game. I don’t need a city builder to be high frames. I didn’t have a lot of bugs. I’m totally fine with the game, as long as the modding scene stays with the game.

    My worry is that all the negativity around the game will make less modders appear for cs2.

    Looking back at other city builders releases cs2 release is fine. I don’t understand the extent of negativity. Just ask for a refund. If the game gets better with age then buy it when it is cheaper. I’m sure these people have other games to play. CS1 seems to be popular still. Nothing happened to that game.

  • This isn’t an attack on you, but a personal belief. I don’t care what the authors intentions are. They can shed light on something but once it’s out, the media is out of their hands. Great example is the book “starship troopers” and the movie.

    Another thing I dislike is the ‘natural’ fallacy. Because force is described as ‘natural’. What’s natural is death, life, decay, growth, order, disorder. What the Jedi were shown to be is a weird sex cult that prevented people from getting in unless you had a ‘birth right’.

    If grey Jedi is what all jedi were supposed to be, then that is one thing. But that isn’t what was shown.

  • To be fair, it’s weirder to not be some form of a bigot when you’re born in 1904. And it’s also not surprising that it isn’t researched properly. Psychology today still isn’t researched properly.

    I’ll eventually watch it in my mornings, but I hope it’s more than just “some show is anti-LGBTQ because the boomer who made it learned from someone older than him.”

    The main thing that would make me think a fanbase is bad is if the fanbase has higher than normal ‘problematic group’. Star wars is popular enough you’re going to get every type of fan. There is always a small vocal majority in the fanbase. If one out of every thousand fans is a vocal asshole, then a billion fans you’re going to get a million vocal assholes. That wouldn’t be anti-LGBT that would be par for the course. It would be society, not the show’s fault. If it has less than a million then I would say it tries to welcome LGBT folk, because it’s going against the norms of society.

  • Maybe I know too many “clean” homophobes
    Maybe I’ve seen to many people with a lisp that are homophobes.
    Maybe most of the time I see queer folk they aren’t all dolled up.
    Maybe I work blue collar and the only personalization to my person while on the clock are my purple boot laces.

    But I don’t quite like the “gay people HAVE to look good” vibes I got from reading the first half.

    Second half is good though. One of the people I used to work with let their kids painted their nails. So I did the same to make fun of people who complained that he did something nice for their kids.

    I’m also not the biggest fan of introducing with pronouns. Time and place, I’ve done it before and certain contexts it is good to do. I don’t like getting limited by gender. I would rather people treat me for me. I’m a “man” so I must abuse my spouse and never wash my butt. Or I’m an enby so I must be a soft bottom.

  • I appreciate you responding, even if most of what I was doing was screaming into the void.

    FIAT and gold standards will have similar issues, and where they differ FIAT is better. Unless you want degrowth, then gold standard is better. Our current economy is built on growth. Without growth you die.

    All graphs realted to inequality and general quality of life have been steadily dropping since 1971

    I do feel it being correlation and not causation with line go down and FIAT. I can more easily point to legislation than I can gold.

    the entire system is set up to steal

    The system was set up to steal before too. It’s just now a more shuffle assets around and magic presto you now have more money.

    Boomers didn’t really cause this, they have no idea what any of that even means

    Lol, fair enough.

    It’s more or less created by a tiny policial and financial elite conspiring to takw over our monetary system

    You kind of lost me there. I strongly doubt there are people who planned 4d chess and have it to roll out like this. Look at Elon, who has been failing upward his whole life. Look at Bill Gates being a big baby with copy righn. In most cases it seems to be people arguing for immediate short term benefits to themselves while disregarding the future.

    were no crazy real estate bubbles…before 1971

    If you’re talking about raw size, sure. People use to also be much quicker to violence. You used to have striking union workers getting gunned down by the state for a 40hr work week. We are much more tolerant to being abused.

    There’s some other factors too, like people moving to cities and social issues,

    Moving to cities have generally been what made most human technological progress. Cities are much better than suburbs.

    Ghadaffi…[wanted gold standard]…and that’s why Libya was destroyed.

    Well, that is certainly a view. I think we’ll just talk past each other on that one.

  • I’m going to be plenty sarcastic and start by flipping the “eat less avocado toast” argument.

    Most of the problems are with the boomers, and if they actually wanted a better future then they should have cared more about it. Almost all of the American problems are from boomers being too selfish.

    What’s that one quote? “A good society is one where people plant trees that they will never know their shade?”

    Boomers took the ability to live on minimum wage, after they benefited from it. Boomers took the ability to get promoted after healthcare kept them alive. Boomers are hoarding more wealth than ever and everyone is worse from it.

    If the lower classes had the ability to spend any meaningful amount of money then we could easily support people after retirement. But now we have some of the most stagnant economies, and it will only get worse before it gets better.

    The earth could easily support more if people actually cared by doing things like stopping coal power plants. But now instead of creating solutions we have people like you who want to force pregnancy on people for your own selfish WANTS.