For Amusement Purposes Only.

Changeling poet, musician and writer, born on the 13th floor. Left of counter-clockwise and right of the white rabbit, all twilight and sunrises, forever the inside outsider.

Seeks out and follows creative and brilliant minds. And crows. Occasional shadow librarian.

#music #poetry #politics #LGBTQ+ #magick #fiction #imagination #tech

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Arotrios@kbin.socialtoRisa@startrek.websiteParty on, Weyoun!
    9 months ago

    ngebHa''a' yInvam'e'? jaltaHghach 'oH'a' neH?
    mujon pumbogh puH, DI'rujvamvo' jInarghlaHbe'
    mInDu'lIj tIpoSmoH, 'ej chalDaq yIlegh
    chovup vIneHbe', loDHom Do'Ha' jIH neH
    jIghoSDI' 'ej jIjaHDI' ngeDmo', vItlhchugh pagh vItlhHa'chugh
    SuS HoS vIqeltaHvIS, jIHvaD tlhoy 'oH bop vISaHbe', jIHvaD
    SoSoy, qen loD vIchotpu'
    nachDajvaD HIch vIQeqpu', chu'wI' yuvpu', DaH Heghpu'
    SoSoy, qen jIyInchoHpu'
    'ach DaH yInwIj naQ vIpolHa'chu'pu'
    SoSoy, 'o-'o-'o-'o, qaSaQmoH 'e' vIHechbe'
    qaSpa' wa'leS poHvam jIcheghpu'be'chugh
    yIruchtaH, yIruchtaH 'ej pagh SaHbogh vay' yIDalaw'
    narghpu' 'eb, tugh jIHegh
    jIHeghvIpmo' bIr pIpwIj, 'oy'law'taH porghwIj
    naDevvo' jIjaHnIS. Savan, Hoch.
    tlhIHvo' jImejnISqu' 'ej vIt vIbamnIS
    SoSoy, 'o-'o-'o-'o, (SuS HoS vIqeltaHvIS)
    jIHegh vIneHbe'
    paghlogh jIboghchoHpu' rut 'e' vIjInqu'
    [leSpal mob QoQ]
    wa' loD QIb tu'qomHomHey mach vIleghlaw'taH
    SIqaramuS, SIqaramuS, qul mI' DamI''a'?
    mughIjqu' wabDaj'e' pe'bIl'e' je, mughIjqu'
    ghalIl'eyo', ghalIl'eyo', ghalIl'eyo', ghalIl'eyo',
    ghalIl'eyo', vIgha'ro', QaQqu' ghu'vetlh
    loD Do'Ha' jIH neH, 'ej mumuSHa' pagh
    Do'Ha'bogh tuqvo' loDHom Do'Ha' ghaH neH
    ghu'vam qabqu'vo' narghlaH 'e' yIchaw'
    jIghoSDI', jIjaHDI' ngeD, tujonHa''a'
    Qun pongvaD! Qo', bIjaH 'e' wIchaw'be'
    (yItlhabmoH) Qun pongvaD! bIjaH 'e' wIchaw'be'
    (yItlhabmoH) Qun pongvaD! bIjaH 'e' wIchaw'be'
    (HItlhabmoH) bIjaH 'e' wIchaw'be'
    (HItlhabmoH) bIjaH 'e' wIchaw'be'. (HItlhabmoH) 'o
    Qo'! Qo'! Qo'! Qo'! Qo'! Qo'! Qo'!
    ('o SoSoywI', SoSoywI') SoSoywI'! HItlhabmoH!
    jIHvaD veqlarghHom poltaH veqlargh 'e' vISov, jIHvaD, jIHvaD
    nagh chojaDlaH 'ej mInwIj Datuy'laH 'e' DaQub
    chomuSHa'laH vaj HeghmeH cholonlaH 'e' DaQub
    'o bangwI', jIHvaD yIta'Qo', bangwI'!
    jIHaw'nIS neH - naDevvo' jIHaw'nISchu' neH
    ghu'vam vISaHbe'qu', 'e' leghlaH vay'
    ghu'vam vISaHbe'qu'
    ghu'vam vISaHbe'qu', jIHvaD
    SuS HoS vIqeltaHvIS

  • "I met a traveller from an antique land,
    Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
    Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
    Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
    And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
    The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
    And on the pedestal, these words appear:
    My name is Spezymandias, Admin of Kings;
    Look on my Reddit, ye Mighty, and despair!
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
    The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

  • Depends on the context, but generally it indicates a lack of critical thinking and a capacity to be easily swayed by sensational claims. Joe Rogan has no legitimacy as a journalist, and a checkered record when it comes to the veracity of what and who he presents on his show, which has shifted significantly rightward over the years, going from pot smoking and ancient aliens to diet supplements and anti-vaccine narratives. Generally, in the US, Joe Rogan fans are predominantly white, male, and right-wing with a libertarian bias.

  • 10k will last you about 3 months comfortably, 6 if you’re single and willing to scrimp or live in your car. That’s your time limit to get a new job.

    I had about 3x that saved and took a year off after working a decade at my previous position (I was pretty burnt out and hadn’t been able to take more than a week off since I started). Having that padding gave me the time and peace of mind to look for something I really wanted, and gave me the freedom to turn down offers that would have put me back into the burnout cycle.

    I ended up with a full WFH position with a 50% bump in salary. Within a year, I made back what I had spent simply by maintaining my budget from my previous salary.

    If I hadn’t had the cushion, it would have been pedal to the metal and accepting the first position offered, and I would have likely hit burnout before a year was out.