Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @[email protected]

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I literally could have just bought 1 bag of chips, 2 jars of queso, and saved $100 and 2 days of prep work.

    Don’t forget the beer, but YEAH! You way over prepared for five whole people. If you had invited 10ish, maybe 15 (because then 10 show up), then yeah, but this is waaaay too much for 5. Especially depending on your ages, they may not have expected such hospitality and ate beforehand if they weren’t warned “hey come hungry and sober, there’s food and libations abound,” etc.

    Don’t give up, learn from this and adjust a little for next time! Just invite a few more, warn ‘em of the full plans (food, booze, ykwim), or make less food. If you do it regularly (like say Football Sundays at your house) the event will grow and more food will be necessary, but start small! This looks like a good hang, I’d have joined for the food and I don’t even like wrastlin’, just needs some restructuring!

    At least the booze and weed don’t go bad!

  • Frankly I’d prefer it to be firefox based, since chrome is cancer and all. (Also I was under the impression it had to be firefox based, didn’t realize you could use chrome if you’re willing to install it. I don’t even want it ungoogled if possible tbh.)

    Basically it just doesn’t seem to fit my workflow, I guess, unless I suppose I want to install chrome. Actually now that I say that, I use librewolf these days, I suppose I could just download regular Firefox and set it up for i2p permanently…hmmmm…maybe I will.

  • Yeah I can do it it’s just a pain in the ass to do it every install when I’m still mostly using the clearnet and have to change the browser settings back and forth every time I want to do the other thing. It’d be much easier for me if I could just launch “i2p browser” and be off to the races. Who knows, one day it may become imperative to use it if piracy is somehow stricken from the clearnet and then the work required becomes worth it for me, but as it stands now the effort required isn’t worth it for me yet.

    I’d personally also like to see Jackett implement i2p tracker support so I could just use qbit’s search with the jackett plugin to search all the trackers I can at once, but idk if that’s even possible.

  • Never unlock the door after close, she probably fits in the typical category of inconsiderate assholes who “just want an X,” but this is also a common robbery technique. They’ll have someone nonthreatening knock on the door to try and get you to open it to say “fuck off we’re closed” and the second you do 4 dudes with guns (or knives, machetes, whatever) run around the corner and rush the door.

    Just hit em with the “we’re closed” lipsync and the “we’re closed” international symbol: hand chop moving away from the body in front of the dominant hand side of your neck 2x.

  • I’ve tried it a few times, back when Tails had it installed first, and then again a while later. I liked it but I do remember it being a pain to set up and having to have separate browser profiles and a bunch of mess, and qbit didn’t work with it yet so I had to have biglybt too.

    Tbh I think it’d skyrocket if they’d release “their own browser” (which of course would just be firefox with i2p set up, like Tor). I seem to remember hearing something about them wanting to do that, too, so maybe?

    I also seem to remember something about it being sort of slow but the longer you’re connected the better it gets or something? Which, cool, but I’m on a laptop, my uptime is nonexistent lol.

    Some of this may have changed since I tried it last, definitely let me know. I’d love to get into it if I can tbh, I have usenet, slsk, a private tracker or two and all that, but more sources is always better, and last time I tried i2p I did find some shit I’d been looking for, but I just can’t be bothered to do all that mess to get it running just to barely use it, then do it all again every time I reinstall Fedora, I’d prefer a browser bundle.

  • VPNs for filesharing

    I don’t think they actually can do that. There’s functionally no difference between VPNs for “not” pirating and VPNs “for” pirating, they’re all just VPNs.

    It’s like saying they’ll ban 4 door sedans for drug buying, they can’t because they’re functionally the same as “4 door sedans for driving to work.” You literally cannot tell, if you see a guy driving an accord down the street, if that guy is on the way to work or on the way to buy coke. Similarly you cannot tell, if you see VPN traffic, what that guy is doing.

    I may be wrong, but I don’t think they actually can do that. They’d have to ban all VPNs even for legitimate use, and the corporations that bribe our politicians use them. They could maybe pressure like Nord and Express to report pirates but mullvad will still be there.

  • Paid research papers - Maybe, and that’d be kinda nice if it happened.

    Games - Nah that’ll continue on as it has, some get cracked and some don’t, it is what it is.

    Movies - No way. Torrents and Usenet have been here for how long now? They’ll be around for longer than any other methods. Frankly this applies to everything, but especially movies.

    Music - Ironically the only form of piracy I almost did watch die. Nobody was doing it really for a few years there because spotify was “just so convenient” but then they thankfully shit the bed and now it’s back in a BIG way.

    Books - It’ll be another game of whack-a-mole. Those three go down more will pop up (though I hope those three just stay up!) There’s also IRC to pirate books from, too, and those have been running for like 30yr.

    Applications - This is dangerous as hell, you guys have fun I guess. Imma be over here using FOSS.

    Android apps - Not the safest either really, but there are packs of them on private torrent trackers that’ll continue for a long while still.

    News - Yeah paywalls are a bitch, sometimes you can kill em with UbO, sometimes they’ve been archived for free on archive, this is honestly the hard one here.

    Porn - Fat chance. Idk what you’re talking about with the "porn piracy scene being small,” there are so many torrent sites both private and free and of course don’t forget Usenet, and even sites dedicated to leaking camgirl footage. Maybe it just seems small because even pirates can be embarrassed about porn lol, but trust me there’s plenty!

    Sure, indexers can be taken down, like RARBG. So you can share torrent files on slsk (I’ve downloaded some rarbg torrents from there after rarbg’s collapse), or another site can pop up and host them either on the clearnet or on i2p. Torrenting may go somewhere technically speaking, but that “somewhere” isn’t “away forever” it’s simply “another domain, at worst i2p.”