That, or she should be named “Mary” instead, I guess.
That, or she should be named “Mary” instead, I guess.
Don’t you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!
As disappointing as it is to see it end, 5 seasons is a decent run, and I’d rather it end before they “jump the shark” or just fizzle out.
As a regularly stoic person (maybe on the autism spectrum), I often struggle to show appropriate emotion. Or, at least, it is exhausting.
Having a conversation with a Vulcan would be a breath of fresh air.
Holy crap, look at the old cell phone in the dirt, bottom middle.
This whole discussion feels like nobody watched ENT.
The Federation exists because Archer was such a fantastic mediator. Add in his rapport with T’Pol and Shran, and his willingness to die in the place of a Tellarite ambassador, and it’s little wonder he was able to knit the beginnings of this alliance together.
I really got an Archer vibe from Pike in “Spock Amok” (SNW S01E05), when he dealt with the R’ongovians.
Yeah, that’s pretty true.
Sounds like a Rick and Morty alien species.
Maybe this is the larva of the Cerritos Warp Moth, named after the ship which discovered it.
To be fair to Worf, Riker also adopted a kid (“Jean Luc”, the alien with the psychic holodeck powers), and promptly forgot about him forever.
Yeah… Red background, white circle, black symbol.
I would not fly this flag, if only to avoid confusion with another, infamous flag.
Aww, shit.
Check out https://startrek.website. I don’t know much about the fediverse, but if you’re a Star Trek fan, it’s a decent community. Bit quiet in between new seasons.
I guess I assumed a sort of corollary.
Starfleet personnel ends up back in time on a Starfleet vessel. We both serve the same organization. My duty is to protect the timeline I come from. Your duty seems, implicitly, to aid a fellow Starfleet officer in their mission (to protect the aforementioned timeline).
It seems like Starfleet should have a dedicated Temporal Security crew on every starship and starbase for such an occasion. You find a supposed time traveler, you immediately call this team. They sequester the intruder and go through a careful interview to verify their claim as cleanly as possible, then render what aid is needed to secure the timeline and get them home (or, barring that possibility, get them somewhere isolated where they can’t contaminate the timeline). Then, maybe memory wipe the Temporal Security team (and possibly anyone else who interacted with the traveler). On the flipside, if you end up back in time, it’s expected you should immediately attempt to contact the local Temporal Security crew.
Sure, but what about random crewmen, like in my example? Are they expected to make such a decision?
I will never understand how someone reconciles conservative politics with being a Star Trek fan. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.
It should have an option to add an event to your calendar.
I personally liked Ruon Tarka. He felt like a good foil for our protagonists. Sympathetic, believable, but still squarely in the wrong. I did not, however, believe Book siding with him for so long.
But I agree the coolest parts of S4 were at the end, trying to actually learn about the 10-C for first contact.
All the more sad.
I honestly would love to see a “Utopia-Realized Level Federation” series, even a limited run, where all the plots are philosophical, artistic, interpersonal, or scientific.
At the very least, there needs to be some serious audits of the power structures of Starfleet and the Federation. So many evil admirals…