Just an old fart from down under here to read some cool content and have some laughs along the way.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It is not uncommon for a corporation to have areas of the business that are not profitable if those parts of the business are considered loss leaders. In this case Amazon has been trying to build up a larger Prime user base (220+ million globally now) as it helps drive other more profitable parts of the business such as online Amazon sales.

    “Consumer Intelligence Research Partners reports that Prime members shop about 25 times annually on the site, versus non-Prime members’ mere 14 purchases.”

    This increase is understandable, ad revenue was actually a bigger business than subscriptions last year, but annoying as there is nothing of value for a consumer behind it and yes many of us are cynical that these additional profits would bring much broader benefit.

    This has been interesting to read. This is my first comment in Lemmy that has actually generated any meaningful debate.

    Thanks internet stranger for actually putting an opinion forward. We don’t have to always agree but it is fun to engage with other real people.

  • Wow. You need to Netflix and chill.

    I have been a Prime member since 2014 and joined exclusively for Prime Video access. Of course nothing is free. I am now going to pay more, yes you heard right, and will choose to continue being a paying member even at the higher cost, so that I can receive the SAME service and not have it degraded with ads. I hate ads and for all the services I subscribe to, 4 video streaming and 1 music streaming, I always pay the premium to not see ads.

    You need to have a good hard look at yourself if you think defending Amazon puts you on the right ethical side of the fence. These cheap extra ad based profits, that deliver no new customer value, will not go to raising the low salaries many of their workforce endure, or relieve the pressure with their mandated 6% non-regrettable attrition policies, or stop their practices of stealing designs from small businesses and undercutting them with Amazon branded equivalents, or ensure taxes are paid in the relevant countries, or prevent further large scale lay offs.

    This additional subscription cost is a first world problem for me but Amazon is not only an easy target for constant criticism, but a deserving one.