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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • Ray tracing is not a fad though, and reducing it to just reflections is ignorant. Reflections, shadows, bounce lighting/global illumination, etc. all get noticeable bumps in quality. They are definitely more subtle than previous bumps from new techniques because those old techniques have gotten so damn good. But at the same time, those previous techniques have reached their limits and have unfixable problems. Whether that is occlusion artifacts in reflections, light leaking from global illumination, non-interactive baked lighting, shadows with uncanny resolution and no penumbra, hacky ambient occlusion, etc. etc… the problems are all minor, sure, but they are there, noticable, and devs want to keep pushing.

    And this is ignoring the benefits on the dev side as well. No more annoying rasterized light placement. And pulling your hair out trying to hack the engine to get the look youre after. “It just works” is an unfortunate comment but holds a lot of truth. Even non realistic looking games will use more and more ray tracing as time goes on because of that. And eventually every device and card will have performance for a full suite of effects. Its an inevitability, not a fad.

  • The prequels had a good story told incredibly poorly

    This is redeemable, fun to read about extra info on wookiepedia, and fun to rewatch in whole context of that good story.

    while the sequels have a bad story but at least it is told well (or at least better)

    This is not redeemable, adds nonsense and contradictions to wookiepedia, and why bother rewatching a bad story at all? But hey, at least the acting is good and special effects are pretty!..?

  • Its not like it is the only example. The sequel trilogy has plenty of other annoyances just like the prequels and originals do. The problem for many is that palp's death validates the story and actions of the characters. He lives and a new order pops up, then much of what happened was pointless. To me, picking on that line is a way of showing how much of a clusterfuck the story of the sequels is. They are amazing in visuals, acting, etc. Somewhat the polar opposite of their counterparts.

  • This is what happens when a new console generation comes around. Just because you are on PC does not mean you are exempt from industry norms which are largely pushed by consoles. Your 970 was significantly stronger than the xbox one and the ps4, so you could use it for that entire generation if you wanted. Your 2060 is weaker than the xbox series x and the ps5, so should be no surprise that you use lower settings than those consoles.

    Same with ssds. They werent required for so long because the consoles didnt have them. Now they do, and fast ones at that. So devs use them, and sometimes require them.

    Now obviously starfield in particular is not a shining beacon of next gen technology and optimization. But those reasons you chose to pick on are not really examples of its failings.

  • Nobody wants exclusion of any technology, thats the entire point. Especially when its been shown repeatedly that once you implement one of the 3 (fsr, dlss, xess) techs, the other 2 take almost no effort to add in as well. So little effort that modders have managed to shove them in to games that exclude them for whatever reason, sometimes achieving it in a matter of hours.

    All that said… Dlss is definitely better quality than fsr. “Some people might tell” is an understatement.

    Your 3080 cant run frame generation because it wouldn’t improve your framerate with that gpu architecture. Just like software dlss wont improve framerate on a 1080.

    Nvidia isnt some boogeyman holding back these techs because they just want to force people to buy new cards. They are definitely making tech that only works on the newest cards to try and get more sales, dont get me wrong, but its not arbitrary.

  • Art style, fidelity, and realism are all somewhat separate. Yeah a good art style can make a game timeless. There are countless examples of that. But it doesnt mean that realistic looking games cant have a great art style. I think cohesion is a huge part of what people mean by “art style”. Realistic looking games that focus on having a cohesive look can also be fairly timeless. They may not compete with today’s fidelity (resolution, technology, etc), but Assassin’s Creed, various Battlefield games, Crysis 1, and plenty more all look great if you look at them today.

    Theres also the concept of somwthing not realistic, but high fidelity. Minecraft RTX is simply amazing. Taking that already timeless art style and increasing the fidelity doesn’t suddenly remove the timeless factor, and i love that. I want more of that. Even if it means i need a fairly beefy gpu for such simple graphics otherwise.