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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • 5-1-0

    Plan something 5-days in advance to do something.

    Reach out 1-day ahead and ask if they are still up for doing it. It provides them with an out, and opens up your day tomorrow in the off chance that they have to cancel.

    On the day of the planned activity, let them know you’ll be heading out shortly to meet them at x place at y time.

    For extra soft plans (i.e. do you want to get together and study later this evening?), still text before hand about an hour or so as it gives them a quick reminder, and allows you to alter plans.

    Communication works both ways, and sometimes people need reminders. If they don’t respond, just let them know you didn’t hear from them and you’re going to do something else. Don’t freak out about it. People waffle on things all the time.

  • “Limitations foster creativity.”

    100% agree. But there’s no reason to limit innovation because some people can’t take advantage of it. Just like we shouldn’t force people to have to consistently upgrade just to have access to something, however there should be a limit to this. 20 years of tech changes is huge. You could get 2 Gb of Ram in a computer on most home computers back in the early-mid 2000’s…that’s two decades ago.

    I’m still gaming on my desktop that I built 10 years ago quite comfortably.