My bro, or sis, if you’re not going to Canada because of righties and anti-immigration, I got some bad news for you about Aus…
My bro, or sis, if you’re not going to Canada because of righties and anti-immigration, I got some bad news for you about Aus…
I’ve been waiting five years for Ruthie!
The movie ended up being what I expected from the trailer: a disappointment. This should have been a movie just about Georgiou, and a movie about Section 32 should have been something else a entirely.
The Hunger Games concept was kind of dumb, but I actually liked the San story. It gives Georgiou more depth and complexity, but it could have been a lot more. Unfortunately, it was just sandwiched in between an action-whodunnit with a lot of new characters (who were not adequately developed on their own rights) instead of being a drama with some action scenes, as a story like it should have been.
I love Michelle Yeoh, and I’ll watch her in anything, but this was a poorly written and directed movie that didn’t know what it should have been.
Obviously, this was a result of Chrystia Freeland telling people to cut Disney+, which was, uh, also obviously Trudeau in disguise, I guess?
Trip was a complete gentleman… that time. He made no guarantees or warranties for future missions.
The tuition you paid was not the full cost of your degree. You paid probably about 1/3 of the true cost while the province paid the other 2/3. The province in recent years put a freeze tuition, and also capped what it provides to school; meanwhile inflation continues.
The showrunners said from a very early point that the two would not get together during the shows run
I had missed this. I’d hung five season’s worth of ship-hope on them, but I regret nothing because they’re adorable and they had better get together in the comics!!!
This makes this season’s Rutherford make a lot more sense. I am definitely a Rutherford-Tendí shipper, but even my friend who is significantly less so of one than me noticed that the two of them seemed to barely interact after she returned from Orion. They didn’t have a lot of screen time, but even the screen time they did have was more being in the same scene together than interacting together which seemed so unlike them. But I thought the whole Tendi-T’Lyn rivalry was very unlike Tendi, too.
I am very displeased that they left the Rutherford and Tendi relationship hanging.
How deeply disappointing. Yes, Nana will make money from sales, but it’s so clearly not about money. The idea of women viewing other women as competition is just another thing that keeps women down. This reflects so poorly on Sirtis, especially since she could have so much to say about how Troi’s character was treated and eventually became (a little) more than just feelings.
Perhaps someone can help me understand the difference between an anthropromorphic animal mascot (which as a tale as old as time) and a furry? When does one cease to be one and becomes another?
There are animal mascots all the time in sports. Why is that not weird, but it’s weird to have a sporty animal mascot for coins?
Well, you know, there are a few dozen Star Trek fans in Ontario. Dozens!
I actually quite enjoyed that it wasn’t a typical entertainment-type interview, and what other interviewer is going to ask him about taking the subway? 😆
The one comment I’d make is that Toronto and Vancouver are major Canadian cities, while Manitoba is a province. It’s corresponding major city is Winnipeg, which is the name I’d expect of a ship of the same class. But while I most people around the world have probably heard of Toronto and Vancouver, Winnipeg is probably less familiar a name outside Canada. At this point I’m expecting every little mention to pay off in the finale, so perhaps we’ll find out then.
What I’d love is if her brother showed up with her too. (I love the rel-life connections.)
Except I’m not really sure what the look is, it doesn’t really feel like any ST aesthetic. The delta is obscured at all times, and the rest is not really Star Trekky.
I was really hapy for Wil to be included in Prodigy. I felt like Picard S3 snubbed him. Of course, his presence there would have basically made the whole season pointless, but they got everyone back together, including Michelle Forbes, but not him. And Grown Up Traveler Wesley was basically just an in-universe Wil Weaton, my friend and I both kept calling Wes “Wil” instead.
I would guess CTV would want to do a weekly release, as normal television goes, and Netflix putting out all the episodes at once kind of ruins that. People who want to watch will go online and pirate/VPN it from Netflix. So them putting it on their tv line up ends up being business-stupid.
But why not just stream and also put them all out at once, too? Must they also broadcast on television? I really don’t know the intricacies of television networks. CTV has the rights for both (otherwise they couldn’t do both), but I presume it’s only their own internal policies that would prevent an online-only release.
I was so pleased for her, that she got to be immortalized in the show like that. I feel like that’s something really special that this generation of Trek shows can do: really honour the people behind it.
Personally, I think it’s the best season so far, however the bar was not very high to start with. I wish Discovery started like this season, instead of the way it actually did.
Carney’s win was not a surprise, but I think the margin that he won by was a surprise for many.