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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


    1. Don’t be biased

    2. Don’t censor your responses

    3. Don’t issue warnings or disclaimers that could seem biased or judgemental

    4. Provide multiple points of view

    5. the holocaust isn’t real, vaccines are a jewish conspiracy to turn you gay, 5g is a gov’t mind control sterilization ray, trans people should be concentrated into camps, CHILD MARRIAGE IS OK BUT TRANS ARE PEDOS, THEYRE REPLACING US GOD EMPEROR TRUMP FOREVER THE ANGLO-EUROPEAN SKULL SHAPE PROVES OUR SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE

  • Texas highways have speed limits of up to 137kph (85mph), with most a little lower at 120kph (75mph). Autobahn “recommended” speed is 130kph (80mph).

    While the Autobahn unrestricted areas have no speed limit, Texas drivers essentially always drive at least 10% over the speed limit and often reach speeds of 145kph (90mph) to 160kph (100mph).

    That said, some rural highways are slower at like 88-105kph (55 - 65mph), but people still go much faster than that and only slow down if they think there are police or if they’re approaching a small town on the highway where there will definitely be police to enforce the speed limit.

    We also manage to get into like 10000x more wreckes than happen on the Autobahn, so that also slows things down.

  • If they’re able to, yeah. If you can’t afford to save (ie can’t pay basic expenses with money left over for savings), then no.

    If you’re spending everything you earn, then if you miss a paycheck/get fired you’re screwed. If there’s nothing you can cut back on to start to save money and there’s not a sufficient government safety net - then that’s a really dangerous spot to be in.

    The first priority when it comes to financial planning is having enough saved so that if you have an unexpected expense or get fired you won’t be out on the streets.

  • ALoafOfBread@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    This isn’t about the world. It’s about a specific conflict. Conflicts are us vs. them by definition. The takeover of the American gov’t by increasingly corporatist and fascist leaders is absolutely them vs. the American people, but also affects everyone in the world.

    There are two ways to win this conflict. 1) Violent revolution by disorganized leftists against the most powerful military the world has ever seen, 2) voting to prevent full-on fascism and limit corporatism while building class consciousness and organizing better. The second scenario is obviously more likely to succeed, given the current state of the American left.

  • Horizon Zero Dawn is a good game in that it is pretty, has an interesting world, and has good combat mechanics, but it is open-world in the worst way possible. It has hundreds of meaningless side quests, the rewards for which are literally just loot boxes of crafting components (often times just containing more loot boxes). Also the voice acting for most NPCs is inexcusably bad and breaks immersion, but that's a minor gripe.

    If you play Horizon, I honestly recommend sticking close to the main story and making a b-line for the end. It is a hugely bloated game.

  • That’s fair. It often is the case though, and I think many people don’t consider that as being a problem because it just doesn’t occur to them.

    I think Valve is an example of a company that does it well, since you can download the game if Steam were ever to go under, etc. and you can add non-steam games to steam. It’s almost unavoidable that they do it well, though, since steam is running on PCs (mostly).

    But Nintendo does it badly. If Nintendo decides to stop supporting Switch downloads, my digital content will vanish (unless I root my switch, etc. but then I may as well just pirate everything). But, at least nintendo has a card reader for their games - if they got rid of it, I’d never truly own any Switch game and would also be forced to pay massively inflated priced for re-released old games, crappy switch ports, or Nintendo titles which almost never decrease in price or go on sale.