The number of examples I have seen of people being told to shut up about their lived experiences with sexual abuse in the past 24 hours on this platform is deeply disturbing.

I am calling on y’all to take a deep breath and listen to women for once. There is a time and place for tone policing and it’s never the very minute a woman speaks up.

    5 months ago

    I think you fundamentally don’t understand my point and choose to be insulting instead.

    Flip the meme to any other group. Jews and Muslims, for example. Would you say, it’s okay for either side to imply, they’d rather be with a dangerous animal than with the human? Do you think, it’s okay to say, since some Muslims historically are rabid antisemites, you’d rather be with a bear? Would you then say, every Muslim should just accept that, and if he complains, he’s one of the bad guys anyway?

    And look at what you did here. Instead of actually engaging with my argument, literally called yourself “fucking awesome” and called me out for being… Yeah, what exactly? One of “them”? You don’t even know who. Yeah, the baddies, probably. Why would any of the good guys be somewhat concerned, if his entire gender is framed as being dangerous?

    You’re incredibly naive.

      5 months ago

      LMFAO youre such a stupid bitch. Id completely understand if a muslim didnt want to be in the woods alone in the woods with a jew or if a jew didnt want to be alone in the woods with a muslim. Wanna know why? Cuz i know both of them are capable of extreme hatred and prejudice. Just like most women know most men are capable of extreme violence especially when they are left alone with a a man. You getting your panties in such a twist over this truly shows how fucking pathetic you are. And cuz i am fucking awesome and you fucking suck loser. And no i dont care about my entire gender being framed because i know who i am and i know how shit most men are.

      Like you. Youre shit cunt.