And second grade…
And third grade…
And fourth grade…
Sometimes I wonder what the next 40 years would have been like if I’d gotten some help instead of just getting yelled at for being lazy.
And second grade…
And third grade…
And fourth grade…
Sometimes I wonder what the next 40 years would have been like if I’d gotten some help instead of just getting yelled at for being lazy.
I always thought of it as more of a “give me something interesting to do and I’ll apply myself person”. I did great in science because we were always doing experiments and shit. Math not so much because it was just here’s how to do X. Now lose an hour of your free time doing that 80 times. Fuck that.
It does not help that most teachers don’t know how to make math relevant and interesting because at some level they don’t think it is either. And even if you actually do find math to be interesting, school more or less beats that out of you.