The sad O’Brien in the back makes this
If your man doesn’t look at you like Garak looks at Bashir, leave his ass ☺️
Or the way he looks at root beer:
Yes, your partner should consider you to be vile and insidious.
But also cloy and bubbly.
I was prepared to hate this, but with this cast of characters, how could I resist!?
The relatively fixed setting and serialized storytelling allowed for much richer character development. Of note, the Ferengi, who were a shallow “capitalism run amok” species on TNG, become an in depth and semi-honorable group who would eventually be worthy of inclusion in the Federation.
The Garak/Bashir relationship has become one of favourite pairings in Star Trek. Beautiful combination.
Am I crazy? I struggled to read that font and had to figure out what it said through context clues.
Thought I’d picked a relatively legible typeface, but then I may just be more used to seeing frilly fonts. Teach your kids cursive, if only to mess with them, considering its uselessness in modern living.
Lol. It’s probably just me. I do know cursive but that font is cursed in my eyes.
I read it perfectly, but probably because of the spoofing-on-Jane-Austen jokes I enjoy.
I mostly got it from context too, but after I figured out what it said, I could read it
Especially the lies.