Incorrect the monarch is technically the head of the British army, therefore they can technically declare war on another country (although they did pass the power to control army to the Government but technically that still stands), the consort has no power so can’t do this.
Secondly the monarch passes laws set out by parliament in other words the monarch could technically deny a law from passing, the consort has no power so can’t do this.
Thirdly the monarch has the power to close the government down and also the power to create a new government, the consort has no power so can’t do this.
“The last time the UK declared war without first seeking advice from Parliament was in 1939 when the UK declared war against Germany. This declaration of war occurred before Parliament had the opportunity to provide input or approval. Since then, there have been significant developments in the process of seeking parliamentary approval for military action in the UK.”
No. I haven’t.
Literally all I did was fix a minor typo I made when it was 4am at night.
And I wasn’t once being fully serious, dumbass. You really think I’d lead an argument with “king finna die soon” and seriously 100% mean anything following? You can’t be serious.
“AnYOnE whO disAgrees witH mE mUSt hAvE socK pUppet aCcouNts”
You’re a really sore loser. you know that right? If I “blatantly have sock puppet accounts” wouldn’t the upvotes and down votes be more consistent? Bruh.
Literally the only other account I have is [email protected] because defederates too much.
You’re just making excuses to try save face now. who’s the freak? The one who backed up with a source, or the one who got butt hurt and started name calling?
Fun little fact for you.
I haven’t even once voted on your comments. Well, except you’re stupid “freak” comment just now, because you’re now just being blatantly rude.
fuckin mental bruv.
You mean the King’s Consort? You really are a pleb.
Difference = Virtually 0, only generic.
They still hold 0 power either way.
King, Queen, or King/Queen’s consort their still just figureheads no different than a celebrity.
Also, she’s going to be a Queen Dowager very soon. 😏
Incorrect the monarch is technically the head of the British army, therefore they can technically declare war on another country (although they did pass the power to control army to the Government but technically that still stands), the consort has no power so can’t do this.
Secondly the monarch passes laws set out by parliament in other words the monarch could technically deny a law from passing, the consort has no power so can’t do this.
Thirdly the monarch has the power to close the government down and also the power to create a new government, the consort has no power so can’t do this.
Should I go on?
Let’s them declare war without Parliament then, when was the last time 1939?
Mate your wrong, you don’t know what your on about and your doubling down. Just stop.
Dude. It was deadass 1939.
You’ve completely changed what you were arguing about and blatantly have sock puppet accounts. Freak.
No. I haven’t. Literally all I did was fix a minor typo I made when it was 4am at night.

And I wasn’t once being fully serious, dumbass. You really think I’d lead an argument with “king finna die soon” and seriously 100% mean anything following? You can’t be serious.
You’re a really sore loser. you know that right? If I “blatantly have sock puppet accounts” wouldn’t the upvotes and down votes be more consistent? Bruh.
Literally the only other account I have is [email protected] because defederates too much.
You’re just making excuses to try save face now. who’s the freak? The one who backed up with a source, or the one who got butt hurt and started name calling?
Fun little fact for you.
I haven’t even once voted on your comments. Well, except you’re stupid “freak” comment just now, because you’re now just being blatantly rude.
fuckin mental bruv.
Yeah, you’re still the freak. Lil bit too defensive.