All you need is salt to make them taste like sea bugs.
If that is actually the case, I wonder if Horseshoe Crabs taste different today, than when they evolved? The oceans were much more salty back then.
Well to be fair, land bugs have harder shell, and are therefore more uncomfortable to eat.
In case your serious that you don’t get it. The bottom pic is all crustaceans that are more closely related to insects than fish.
Op is saying they don’t get why many ppl frown upon eating terrestrial insects but do eat aquatic ones.
Of note, insects diverged from the arthropod line that would become crabs, lobsters, etc in the beginning of the Carboniferous or late Devonian, a solid 350-400 million years ago. This means crabs and grasshoppers are more distantly related to each other than humans and frogs.
But you can eat a crustacean in a satisfying way without eating it’s head, offal, or poop.
80% of the countries find them tasty, I for one have not tried insect, at least not on purpose.
…That’s the point they’re making…
They don’t get how we like to eat water arthropods but not land ones…
Well the latter have more “meat” on them, whereas bugs are mostly just “shells” once they die. You aren’t eating the shells of crustaceans, you’re eating the innards
You got a point, but the kind of bugs eaten in some parts of the world are usually the fatty kind .
See, at a glance, that thing looks disgusting. I have an instinctive revulsion to the thought of eating it.
I guess some people would say the same for whole live shrimp though, and I grew up fishing them out of the sea and boiling them up in a pot.
Uncooked sea bugs looks unappetising as well
So I guess the same would apply to the uncooked land bugs. They will look better cooked.
There’s definitely a difference though. Only water bugs will kill me if eaten
crustaceans and insects are two different things, not real complicated. The crustaceans have actual meat, not a fluid filled exoskeleton.
Large bugs definitely have some meat on them. Chomp on a large beetle and you will see
While it is inaccurate to characterize crustaceans as bugs, they are arthropods and share an enormous amount of anatomical and psychological features with insects. Both have open circulatory systems and use hemolymph to hydraulically operate their limbs. That “meat” that you’re talking about is only really visible after cooking, and consists mostly of denatured and congealed hemolymph.
Well I.kmow that’s wrong cause look at an uncooked shrimp
Insects also have muscles in certain locations throughout their bodies. You’ll find the exact same structures in similarly structured insects, just on a smaller scale. Honestly I have no idea what you’re talking about because they both have muscles and both have open circulatory systems, both will solidify into “meat” when cooked. I’m not sure what you’re suggesting meaningfully distinguishes them here other than their taxonomic classifications and their size.
It’s not complicated. Quit trying to flex and just look at the obvious.
You’re very resistant to learning.
You’re very insistent on quoting Wikipedia
I dunno… Have you ever opened a crab up before cooking it? It’s pretty much all goo inside an exoskeleton.
I mean I eat them raw and it is some yummy goo, definitely not bug like
I’ve had crispy dried grasshoppers that were chill once, and some BANGIN cricket tacos in NYC.
They’re actually pretty great for protein.
If all the meat on earth disappeared tomorrow, I would become a vegetarian before ever knowingly consuming a bug.
What if they were raised in a hermetically sealed environment, dried out, ground into a fine powder, then added to batter to make pancakes?
No thanks
so just regular flour?
I don’t think I could eat whole bugs, but bug flour? Easy.
Lol this is something I do from time to time. Cricket flour is available where I live and it makes great breakfast pancakes!
Oh I can explain it easily! One of them tastes good and the other one tastes bad. That’s pretty much it… Not sure how it’s so confusing though
I dunno I feel like most bugs would be pretty decent fried in Gaelic butter with salt.
I’ve tried crickets and ants before and they were decent with a ton of seasoning but it sure as hell wasn’t as good as lobster.
Ants? Who eats ants?!
It’s a big deal in Oaxaca and they’re not bad. They add a ton of lime and salt and other seasonings. I had them when drinking Mezcal. The ants are really big too. Apparently they have like a spawning period where they’re just everywhere so you can just scoop them up and put them in a skillet really easily.
Sorry to any actual big scientists. I’m sure I butchered that.
If I am to believe the tellings from It Came From The Desert, there could be ants as big as a house.
Can’t imagine if I were to eat ants. Grasshopper I can imagine. But ants… I come from Indonesia and there we have small ants that smell like shit…
Ant eaters?
That could be said for just about anything.
Well yeah but I don’t like unsalted unbutter shellfish either usually.
Have you ever tried insects? Those who have have said that they taste good. They said it tastes like shrimp.
Yes. Do not recommend. It is okay to say no to drunk dares, ugh so gross.
Those who have have had a different day of taste buds. With insects you’re supposed to eat the exo skeleton, which is crunchy, but not nice. Then the meat is a bit nutty, is ok but the texture is off putting imho. Maybe eating your shrimp unpeeled would be a good equivalent.
I eat shrimp unpeeled. Learned to do it from Vietnamese restaurants. It’s not bad! It saves a shitton of time peeling them, the spices are usually on the outside so you get more flavor, and the shell gives a nice crunch. I don’t eat the tailfins tho that’s dumb. They’re hard, pointy, and have no meat.
That said… I advocate for finding ways to incorporate insects into western diets. I think we need to start a program to breed them for purpose though. Just like how bananas used to be small and full of seeds but were bred to what they are today. Breed a grubworm or something to be better eatin’ and grow them in huge quantities. But no way am I eating a roach.
Nah fam you can keep the see bugs, too.
More for the rest of us!
Shrimps is bugs
Show the tattoo
If you’ve got cleaned, cooked seafood that smells like fish shit, you’re at a shitty restaurant. My only takeaway from this is that we should really see if we can make terrestrial insects taste as delicious as we make aquatic insects taste.
oh there’s some tasty bugs out there already. people are just too squeamish about it.
For me its mostly the legs/heads. I dont fuck with heads on anything and legs need to be way bigger for me to be interested. I’d try one of those fly/mosquito burgers tho.
I believe you, but I’m gonna need some examples…
I hate to tell you this, but no matter how they prepare the crustaceans, the little black line towards their back end…
Deveining is a part of preparation
You can, and no one does. They drop them in tanks that are clean and purge them, and leave the poop.
Are you thinking of the store bought, deshelled shrimp?
Crawdads, crabs, lobsters, fresh shrimp, etc… the vein is staying in.
If it’s fresh, and they’re working in a restaurant, they DO NOT have the time to do that. I say that from experience.
Fun fact, did you know squids have what looks like a piece of plastic inside them?
Second fun fact: some places use a giant shallow barrel to soak their rice in vinegar. It goes in the fridge between uses so it doesn’t go bad.
Idk where you’re getting the nowhere does info, unless it is a regional thing somehow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a restaurant not devein things, and only a couple times have I seen people leave them in for home cooked stuff
I’m not even a fan of seafood, but my understanding is that anything of notable size will be deveined. Unless you’re talking little popcorn shrimp sized things, which for that I think they “purge” and then call it good enough because with all the seasoning/breading there wouldn’t be enough to notice.
Again, nothing I have any interest in eating, but I’ve watched a lot of cooking shows.
Or you could, y’know, just eat beans instead.
You ever had shrimp n bacon bbq beans with ancho and chipotle bbq sauce? Probably not because it’s kinda my proprietary recipe but it’s dead simple and amazing. couple cups of beans, cup of a good bbq sauce heavily seasoned with ancho, chipotle, smoked paprika, white pepper, into a fry pot with a 4 strips of bacon previously fried in and chopped coarse, simmer until thick and then add your peeled shrimp right at the end to cook,
I don’t get it either, but head says no no and yes yes.
Sea roaches