I never saw Maul as a real apprentice initiated into the mysteries of the sith, just someone trained to fight with the force, although Maul may have thought he was an apprentice. Dooku got the real sith training, hence the force lightning.
All those inquisitors running around at other times aren’t sith, just force sensitive enforcers.
Imo rule of two was an unnecessary retcon of a line from Phantom. “Always two Sith are found together” didn’t have to mean ONLY two. It was to reflect that like Jedi Master and Jedi Padawan are always two Jedi found together, two Sith are always found together.
Instead of seeing the symmetry that Lucas was so fond of (it’s like poetry), the EU ran with the line into an absurd history of how Sith developed into only 2 Sith in the entire Galaxy.
The fact that there was Emperor, Dooku and Maul coexisting meant Lucas saw the Sith as the evil version of the Jedi.
I never saw Maul as a real apprentice initiated into the mysteries of the sith, just someone trained to fight with the force, although Maul may have thought he was an apprentice. Dooku got the real sith training, hence the force lightning.
All those inquisitors running around at other times aren’t sith, just force sensitive enforcers.
Imo rule of two was an unnecessary retcon of a line from Phantom. “Always two Sith are found together” didn’t have to mean ONLY two. It was to reflect that like Jedi Master and Jedi Padawan are always two Jedi found together, two Sith are always found together.
Instead of seeing the symmetry that Lucas was so fond of (it’s like poetry), the EU ran with the line into an absurd history of how Sith developed into only 2 Sith in the entire Galaxy.
The fact that there was Emperor, Dooku and Maul coexisting meant Lucas saw the Sith as the evil version of the Jedi.