I am currently a Computer Science student in university who really loves Linux and FOSS software, hates it when governments and corporations spy on people, and would probably rather have a job that brings meaning and benefits society than one that has a high paycheck (although I do recognize that I also need to have enough money for food, housing, .etc). I also watch Scammer Payback and Jim Browning and I love what they’re doing, but I don’t know if I could turn that into a real job.

I’ve thought of doing pen testing (later on in my career), but I’ve come to realize that it is better if users just started using privacy-respecting FOSS software like Signal, because if you give a hacker enough time, patience, and the right resources, they could hack into anything. Although for something like banks, I’d maybe be ok working there, as everybody still needs them and they’re not going away any time soon.

I also need something that I could get into fresh out of university or even as an internship or co-op.

Am I being too pessimistic? What would you suggest me to do? Feel free to challenge my views on life.

  • pixxelkick@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Ideals largely vaporize when you have bills to pay and you are facing homelessness.

    Your best bet is start talking to local job recruiters, ask them what tech stacks and certs are in high demand, and go learn that stack and get those certs and take whatever job will pay you.

    Once your bills are getting paid you probably will have time/energy to work on personal projects.

    The vast majority of work is closed source proprietary stuff.

    In fact to be more specific, the vast majority is mind numbing “thing” management CRUD applications.

    Inventory management, people management, accounting, etc etc.

    “We wanna make an app for managing (things)” is gonna be your life for awhile.

    It’s also heavily a lot of “we had this (thing) management app made by someone 12 years ago. It’s now barely functional, riddled with bugs, has huge security holes, and has tens of thousands of users every day on it. We want you to add new features to it and not fix any of the existing massive issues at all. We have no idea how it works, it has zero documentation, we don’t even know where it is hosted atm, and you will count yourself lucky of you even get the git history”

    You heavily want to focus your skills first and foremost on how to read other people’s code. How to interpret wtf this zero documented function does and how it works.

    That’s your #1 skill.