What are your thoughts on psych drugs, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilisers, etc?

Doctors love to prescribe these drugs. But they have very bad side effects, based on what I’ve read. And they can give you strong withdrawals when you try to come off them. Also, should we really be medicalising emotions and taking drugs to emotionally cope with the world? Maybe we need things like friends, family, social connections, to make the world more enjoyable.

What do you think?

  • Zoutpeper@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    When you break your leg they’ll reset it and plaster it while it grows back.

    When you are in immense physical pain or need surgery, they’ll give you painkillers/narcotics.

    When you mind is off, they’ll give you meds to suppress this so you can become better. There is a conversation to be had about society and if we give too much medication. But the brain is complex and when you are in a depressive spiral, where you contemplate suicide once every 5 seconds, it helps to suppress the fuck out of that so you can heal. speaking from experience there and you can heal

    Then there are simply people/disorders which have a changed or disrupted brain chemistry (outside normal variation), if we have medicine to help these people function: we should use it.