Sorry if this seems stupid. My kid was diagnosed with type 1 autism, formerly asperger’s. We weren’t even testing them for that (it was adhd), but the doc pointed out a lot of behaviors that are classified as autistic. I never thought of those behaviors that way, because I did a bunch of that stuff when I was a teen, too. I just learned I was weird and figured the rest was due to my super dysfunctional family. I’ve learned to cope. I keep my weirdness to myself and pass for a normal person pretty well. No one would ever guess I’m autistic (again, I’ve no diagnosis but it’s implied).

So, with that context, would there even be a point to getting a diagnosis? What would it benefit me? I’m middle aged, so I don’t need educational accommodations. I’ve learned to adapt, so idk if I’d even be diagnosable.

Idk. I’m still just messed up learning that my kid, who I thought was neurotypical and a LOT like me is considered autistic. How different would my childhood have been if I had been evaluated when I was younger?

    11 months ago

    I got a diagnosis partly because I needed accomodations at work. Light sensitivity and sound sensitivity are a bitch in an auto dealer showroom.

    How different would my childhood have been if I had been evaluated when I was younger?

    I have the same question, and I’m working through it with my therapist. I’m not sure there will be an answer that makes everything “better”, but it does help to realize that I have been this way my whole life, and that I can make my life easier now that I’m an adult in ways I couldn’t as a child.