The latest Steam Hardware & Software Survey is out for June 2023, and it shows just how much the Linux share is now influenced by the Steam Deck.

    1 year ago

    If not gaming, you can use it as a portable PC like I’ve started doing. It replaced my laptop.

    And with a USB-C hub with HDMI, you can use it like a full desktop.

    I bought it more to hack with than play games (I’m not much of a gamer either unless you count single player sim and sandbox games and the last console I bought for myself before this was in 2001). I had this idea of turning it into a drone controller using an external RC transmitter somehow. Or control other robotics projects.
    It’s powerful enough to be both the controller to navigate the vehicle AND offload some of the vehicle’s processing load to it (like if I want to start doing object recognition) in an all in one unit.