BMW’s terrible heated seats subscription didn’t even make it to a second winter::BMW is one of several automakers that have been nickel and diming customers, including with a monthly subscription for heated seats in certain models and territories. The company has dropped that controversial practice to focus on paid software services — it doesn’t plan to charge drivers extra to use hardware features that are already in their cars anymore.

    10 months ago

    Never let them forget this.

    “BMW. Wait. Didn’t you want to charge a subscription to activate heated seats already in the car?”

    “IBM? Don’t you guys ship dark hardware you then charge a fee to activate after it’s been purchased?”

    “Oura. Don’t you ship a sleep tracker at a premium price, and then charge a monthly grift just to use the information it’s already sampling?”

    And, with each one, laughter. Teasing, laughter and then shunning. Followed later by a recommendation to join a better company.