It’s not nice making fun of the mentally handicapped.
He might just not understand why the space is needed. I often park in random off-bits to spare a parking space. Sure, soon people get butt-hurt, but I’d rather annoy those kind of people than someone who needs a spot.
I think he’s an idiot trying to be considerate.
I’ve unfortunately met people before who think those areas are just another parking spot, so honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the real answer.
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Those trikes are very often ridden by handicapped riders who are entitled to the entire space. Not all handicap vehicles require ramp access on the side. Indeed, the overwhelming majority do not.
Parking the way he did, he effectively added another handicap space to the lot.
He dint though. He parked in a spot clearly marked as no parking, and blocked the spot for those who need it most
How did he block anything?
I could fit a handicap van with a right side ramp into that spot. I could back a handicap van with a left side ramp into that spot. I could pull or back a vehicle with a rear ramp or no ramp into that spot. Yes, he is blocking the ramp access on one side, but I have yet to see a handicap vehicle even equipped with ramps on both sides.
(I think) all three of the spots in the photo are designated handicap parking. There are three (presumably) handicap vehicles parked in those three spots, and yet the way he has parked, there is still room for a fourth.
You are aware that van-accessible handicapped spaces only need ramp access on one side, right? That space has ramp access on both sides only because those two ramp access areas serve three spaces. He only blocked van access in the far space; that far space is still accessible to non-van handicapped vehicles. The remaining ramp space is still available to serve the other two spaces.
Good point. I was thinking, maybe someone was in the spot the photo was taken. Many even someone who didn’t have the right to be there.
Man, we have some real assholes on this platform. Who TF down voted you for sharing information?
Trikes are usually ridden by older people anyways so it’s possible this person actually is legally handicapped and didn’t want to take up the whole spot since they have a smaller vehicle.
They were probably attempting to be courteous here, not an asshole.
Doubt it. Surely anyone legally handicapped knows to stay clear of the loading/ramp area of a handicapped spot
As opposed to taking up the whole spot? If you need the loading ramp you could still use the spot and just reverse if it’s on the side he’s taking up.
Would you prefer he take the entire spot which his trike? Instead of potentially still letting someone park there? He’s taking up less space this way.
Well then the handicap person can just find another spot that doesn’t have a tricycle parked beside it /s. “The handicap person needs to work around this tricycle driver” is totally opposite of accessibility.
So you’d prefer the handicapped individual to have no parking spot because the trike parked dead center in a spot they don’t need the space for, rather than them having to reverse to get the ramp on the correct side?
“/s” means sarcasm. I want everyone that doesn’t have a handicapped tag to park as far away as possible from the handicap designated parking spot.
God you’re fucking dense. This entire comment chain is predicated on the idea that the trike is ridden by a handicapped individual.
Know why? Because they’re almost exclusively ridden by people who USED TO ride motorcycles but can’t BECAUSE THEYRE HANDICAPPED.
How does the handicap driver get out of their car with this “courteous biker” parked there?
Who knows, the most likely handicapped trike driver should have just parked dead center so that nunces like you would bitch about that instead.
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If you need the loading ramp you could still use the spot and just reverse if it’s on the side he’s taking up.
Not if you can’t get into the vehicle in order to reverse it. There’s a reason they have protected width on both sides.
A lot of the people who ride these are actually handicapped themselves. So maybe they have a handicap license plate, but are trying to be considerate of other handicap people by not taking up the entire spot when they only need a little space.
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It would block it all the same if they parked in the spot. Assuming this person is handicapped themselves they must’ve figured “either I block the entire parking spot for everybody, or I block it only for those that need the loading bay area for a wheelchair lift.”
I honestly think it’s meant to be courteous and it does work out that way for some if this person’s only alternative is to take up the whole space.
People in this thread have fucking brain damage or are just that committed to being recreationally angry.
If you park centrally you remove the spot for everyone, if you park in the area intended for loading ramps you only take up the space for a ramp on that side. So either someone without a ramp can use it, or get this you can just reverse your car and the ramp is on the OTHER SIDE!
It’s a no-win scenario, if the trike was parked correctly they’d bitch that he took up the whole spot for his tiny little trike. No good deed goes unpunished when reactionaries are involved.
Mentally handicapped makes a lot more sense because I have never seen one of those things drive normally.
Possible stupid question: What is the appeal of those three-wheeled motorcycles anyway?
All the safety of a motorcycle with the maneuverability of a car.
This guy /s
I know a couple of guys with them, often its older guys with back, hip or knee issues.
So you could be handicapped and riding one of those is what I think I am reading?
That didnt even cross my mind but, yeah that could actually be the case and they parked over to one side to leave room deliberately.
Indeed… Nothing in the image proves to us that the person riding this isn’t actually disabled… quite the opposite honestly. Hell I’d even make a case that they missed the handi-spot completely and they’re driving a motorcycle… they’re probably mentally disabled but that might be doing an injustice to those who are also disabled but recognize road markings and their meanings.
Or… they parked over to one side to keep the other side of the space open for someone in a small car who is also disabled.
By blocking the driver door on the non handi spot and the passenger on the handi spot? Yeah no. Just follow the rules. There’s a point to having universal rules.
I ride motorcycles. When I get too old I’ll be riding one of those with my oxygen tank strapped to it.
A lot of times they’re used by disabled people who can’t ride traditional motorcycles.
That makes sense.
Where I live you can drive these with a regular car drivers license, because they are technically considered cars according to the law. So you save money and time not getting a motor cycle license. But that probably doesn’t apply to the US.
In the US, it depends on motor size and a few other things. Also varies by state. But that’s often true.
A motorcycle is: “a motor vehicle with motive power having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with ground”
I think they count as standard motorcycles in the U.S.
I can’t speak for everywhere, but in Texas you have to have an M class license (motorcycle endorsement) in order to ride one legally.
They’re just giant mobility scooters.
I’ve ridden one before. They’re fun, but I’m happier with my car.
I dislike bikes but my guess is it’s more stable than a 2 wheel bike, slightly safer death trap.
Geriatric motorcycle.
F150 of motorcycles
Do you know he wasn’t disabled? Those tricycles are often used by people who can’t ride a bike anymore but still want bugs in their teeth.
It’s not IN the disabled spot though, it’s next to it.
I’m assuming he is disabled. It looks like there are three marked handicap spaces. The way you want him to park, two additional vehicles with side ramps could park. A total of 3 handicap vehicles, 2 with side ramps.
The way he actually parked, two vehicles with side ramps could park (both utilizing the other ramp space, one pulling in, the other backing in), and another handicapped space is still available for a vehicle without side ramps, which are the overwhelming majority of handicapped vehicles. A total of 4 handicap vehicles, 2 with side ramps.
Now, I admit, my arithmetic skills were developed before the era of “New Math”, so they might have changed it since. But when I learned it, “4” was greater than “3”.
I love when people double park in front of a business but if you drive up the street a block or park of the other side of the road there’s plenty of spots, but instead flashes hazard lights and parks in the fucking road/way.
Welcome to every downtown area everywhere.
Welcome to every downtown area everywhere
… in the United car-dependent States of America.
And every drugstore, grocery store, Starbucks, Walmart, etc…
Who buys motorcycles with training wheels?
Riders who get old mostly. Bikes aren’t light once they start to tip.
He probably thinks he’s pretty considerate cause he didn’t use the handicapped spot.
This makes two bays unusable for a section of disabled people, which is why the car in the bay furthest away has had to park two feet away
This is pure shitheadedness whether they are disabled or not, and whether it was done due to malice or stupidity.
I used to work with a Vietnam vet that had his leg blown off and he rode a Harley with whatever you control with your left foot somehow relocated. He told good stories about being part of a tank crew and ordered flaming shots at the bar, fun guy to talk to.
Just saying, don’t assume.
Then park IN the handicap spot. Not blocking the handicap spot’s ramp access.
So, he parks in the space, and he blocks any other handicapped vehicle, regardless of whether it needs ramp access or not.
Or, he parks there, and he only blocks vehicles that need ramp access on the side AND can’t back into the space to use the ramp access on the other side.
The way you want him to park, he is definitely blocking a space. The way he is actually parked, he is probably not blocking any spaces.
Whether in the space or beside it, two more vehicles with side ramps can still park in those three spaces. Beside it, there is room for a fourth vehicle without a side ramp.
The only way this guy is an asshokenisnifnhe isn’t actually handicapped, but being that he is on a trike, there is a good chance that he is.
Left foot is gear shifter. It’s an up/down button. Easy to relocate.
But who the fuck cares? Vet, hero, dog-savior. Don’t park like a fucking asshole. Park in an actual spot or don’t park there at all. In this image’s case they are potentially blocking 2 spots, at least 1 handicapped. I hope he got 2 $500 tickets.
Yeah that’s fair. Tbh this is probably just a able bodied jackass, just throwing an alternate viewpoint out there.
It looks like there are 3 marked handicapped spaces. He is entitled to 1, leaving two, both with side ramp access.
The way he is parked, there is still room for two vehicles with side ramps, both using the other, marked ramp space (one pulling in, the other backing in). And there is still an empty, presumably marked space on the other side of him. It isn’t accessible to a vehicle with a side ramp, but the overwhelming majority of handicapped vehicles don’t need or have them.
You want him to leave room for two other handicapped vehicles. He parked in a way to leave room for 3 other handicapped vehicles. And for that, you’re going to call him a fucking asshole?
I think your sphincter is cutting off the blood supply to your brain. You might want to address that.
Weird hill to die on.
Other than the both having motor vehicles, how does that story relate to this picture at all?
The relationship is “you can ride a motorcycle (or tricycle in this case) and also be disabled, thereby being eligible to park there.”
No one is eligible to park there. That’s the point of the stripes. There is a perfectly good space for disabled right next to where they parked if they have a placard/plate.
I’m not defending their park job-- it’s bad-- I’m just describing the relationship to the other person’s “disabled veteran with a Harley” story, which is what the person I was replying to asked about.
Parked in the handicapped space, there is room for two more vehicles with side ramps. Parked where he is, there is still room for two vehicles with side ramps (both using the other ramp space, one pulled in, one backed in) plus room for a vehicle without a side ramp.
Parked the way you want, there is room for 3 vehicles. Parked the way he did, there is room for at least 4.
The only way he is an asshole is if he doesn’t have a handicap sticker.
There’s a reason they didn’t make it a spot, so vehicles with wheelchair ramps can actually function. Otherwise there’s not enough room and they’ll be trapped in their vehicle. So considerate.
Ok. Go look at the image again, and this time, stop and think about it.
You are driving a vehicle equipped with a ramp on the left side. You certainly can’t pull into this space; your ramp will be blocked by the trike. But, you can still back in to the space, and use the ramp access on the opposite side.
The alternative is that he takes the whole space, and you don’t have a handicap space accessible to you at all.
And you are telling me that it is preferable for him to simply take the entire space he is entitled to take, rather than leave enough room for you to park as well?
Are you serious right now?
How do you know they’re “entitled” to a handicap spot? There’s no proof anywhere that the driver is eligible for handicap parking.
It’s a motor vehicles parked where one is not allowed to be parked, what does disability have to do with any of this?
I think what you’re getting at is “disabled or not, parking on the painted margin is prohibited,” which is correct as far as I know, but I think most people would think about it differently if the driver was disabled.
e.g. Someone with difficulty walking wanted to exercise their permission to park there so that they could be closer to the entrance, but still wanted to leave a wide spot open so another disabled driver could potentially use it. Still wrong, but many people would perceive that differently.
Again, not defending the behavior (and the driver likely wasn’t disabled, just a jerk)… But surely you see how their disability status is relevant in a scenario concerning a disabled parking spot?
No, it’s not relevant at all. It’s not a parking spot, handicap or otherwise. You just can’t park there, no one can.
I think you’re using the word “relevant” in an overly restrictive way. It can be relevant but still not justify the park job.
“Der, there are three spaces. How dare he park in such a way that 4 vehicles can fit in them?!?” – you, probably.
Whoever left it like that, should get a smaller mobility scooter. These oversized ones can’t be driven indoors, and as such, you get this.
Wtf kind of markings are those even?
Handicap parking, it’s the extra space meant for a side loading ramp.
it’s the extra space meant for a side loading ramp.
Oh, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks.
Didn’t even notice, what the fuck is going on there?