Dude, just found this comminity the other day. Being honest, I always suspected and actually acknowledged some of the traits i had and have as autistic-ish; hell, even when growing up my mom and I used to joke around about me being autistic. But time passed and learned how to “act in life” and things were left only as a joke.

Anyway, I saw here someone sharing a link to RAADS test. I said to myself, naaah this is just a bunch of people seeking for validation of the ideas they already have. Fast forward a couple days, that idea never left me and took the test (I know what you are thinking) .

I just don’t know what to do with the results, honestly, I was expecting the score to be something in the realm of 100. But it is a fucking 176.

I just don’t know, man…

  • The Grunkler@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Look, if you’re happy with yourself and you can live without being in constant distress, I think you’ve got life pretty much handled. Please remember to go out and make some friends irl though, because if you go through life by yourself your brain starts to do some weird things lol