I’m curious to hear people’s thoughts on what principles open source projects should adhere to in order to promote transparency, inclusiveness, and effective development. Are there any specific projects you feel do a great job following certain principles in how they operate? I’m interested in how projects organize decision making, manage donations, incorporate community feedback, communicate updates, and more. Please share projects you appreciate for how they approach open source development!

  • graphito@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Project: Joplin joplinapp.org [email protected]

    What it does right: Focus on user experience by aligning aims of product with aim of users.

    Everything it does is foss, however its main revenue achieving product (cloud sync target) is focused on convenience rather than vendor lock-in. So it incentivizes the project to cater to its users.

    What’s so unique about it: due to lack of monetary incentive a lot of oss projects simply forget about the user and serve mostly to themselves. They fail to listen to feedback because listening to feedback means loss of resources rather than gaining them. As a result many critical bugs are unfixed for decades and UI is so dated no new users want to use the product.

    TLDR: don’t forget to create revenue generating module along with the main foss product