In Hamburg sollen bald “Scan Cars” die Kennzeichen lesen und Parksünder/Gehweg-Parker ermitteln. Anwohnerparkberechtigungen sollen automatisch berücksichtigt werden. Der entsprechende Gesetzesvorschlag wurde vorgelegt.
Weil damit plötzlich 100x so viel Falschparker erfasst werden, als es bislang “von Hand” der Fall war, wird dieses Projekt garantiert innerhalb kürzester Zeit wieder eingestellt, weil die “armen Autofahrer” ja mal wieder total gegängelt werden!
Genuine question: is this a new concept in Germany? Because in the Netherlands we have had such cars driving around for years already, even in smaller towns.
You need to understand that Germany as a country is still stuck in the 80s and 90s. Anything to do with technology takes at least 20-30 years longer to be used by the german government.
Best demonstrated by Merkel famously saying “internet is new territory for all of us” in 2013(!).
As someone living in Bremen: doing anything at all against cars that are illegally parked would be a new concept here. People literally went to court to force the state to do something about it and won - and it still has no consequences.
It is, yeah. We have history with government surveillance, so are cautious there, and a strong car lobby.
That is completly the car lobby. The german police is already operating licence plate scanners. It’s just local politicians who don’t want to piss of all those people who are used to parking like assholes
I do also think that the resistance originates in the car lobby, but presumably, they invoke privacy concerns as one of their arguments.
little fun fact: In Germany, a car appears to have more rights than a human. That’s why it’s a general offence to publish a photo with clear markings of a car (such as the advertisements or the officially registered number plate) in public, but cameras in all stores to observe customers or their own staff are totally okay.
Many cities don’t even punish those parking on bike lanes or in pedestrian zones, because they believe ticketing or even towing such cars would be “too impactful”. However, those who try to get those parking cars reported usually face legal threats for being troublemakers.
we’re a car nation, as our car industry is VERY powerful. Cars are a religion here - any anything that might go against a car is seen as a threat for the car industry - and those threats endanger “workforce”, endanger “earnings” and so on.
Ich freu mich schon auf den Aufschrei der Leute, die bislang regelmäßig das Gesetz gebrochen haben.
Aber, aber, der Datenschutz der Passanten! Was wenn eine böse Regierung plötzlich zusätzlich Bewegungsdaten erfassen will?
Wehret den Anfängen!
oha - wird hier in D jetzt tatsächlich was eingeführt, was seit Jahren in den Niederlanden schon Alltag ist?
Weil - da fahren die Ordnungsämter mit entsprechenden Kamerafahrzeugen durch die Straßen durch, werden Kennzeichen automatisch erfasst und nachgesehen, ob derjenige einen Parkausweis, ein Parkticket oder Ähnliches hat - und falls nicht, direkt das Bußgeld auf den Weg gebracht bzw. der Schlepper geordert.