People who defend shoplifting from stores. I had a minor debate with someone who was pridefully going on about how we should steal from stores to affect the profits of the CEO and “The Man”.

I had to inform them that stealing from stores won’t necessarily affect the payroll of the corporation. It will only harm the stores and the employees inside. Because each and every store is operating on a budget of their own and what they sell determines said budget.

So if groups of people decided to steal from that store, sapping up the budget and hurting sales, then it’s going to hurt the pay of the people working there. Making shoplifters look both like an asshole and a dumbass in one.

  • ryan@the.coolest.zone
    1 year ago

    You’ve eloquently stated what I came in to reply. To hell with this unequal system that all but forces people to steal basic necessities to survive. I’m certainly not gonna say “oh boy let’s shoplift for fun” but I’m also not going to condemn someone who’s doing what they think they need to do to help them and their family get by.

    We desperately need not only better healthcare (physical, mental, and dental), but a revamped welfare system (maybe to the level of UBI), a better low-income housing strategy, etc etc.

    Very few kids say “oh boy, I’m going to be a petty criminal when I grow up.” Society fails kids and they become desperate and jaded adults.