Not musicians, the worse the better for me, Iove a panpipe or a one man band. Just anyone juggling or creating slip hazards with litres of fucking bubble mixture. Mimes can fuck right off as well, as can cocks on unicycles. Fire eaters are boring, fire juggling is boring and annoying
There are plenty of good shows I’ve seen from street performers. Just stay out of the thoroughfare and don’t harass people and we’ll be fine. There are certainly a lot of talent-less fuck wit archetypes I could come up with though. Here are a few off the top of my head:
I hate most of the musicians too. I think that there is a pretty wide variety of reasons that the world would benefit from greater education in music. It won’t be for everybody, but neither is trigonometry and that’s pretty common in education curriculums.
The bar is extremely fucking low here. People are just way too easily impressed by someone being able to play an instrument at ALL. They can’t tell when a multi-stringed instrument is out of tune (and neither can the fucking busker), and they certainly can’t pick out the good from the bad.
Then you get these goddamn mediocre as shit buskers all chuffed up on their Dunning-Kruger high. I imagine the thought is something like: “People clapped and cheered, there’s money in my hat. I must be amazing at this!”. I am completely fucking unimpressed by your ability to play three simple chords on your dollar store toy piano while absolutely disrespecting a Johnny Cash cover of a NiN song.