…Is that not inciting violence?
Shapiro needs to break a baseball bat in half and shove it down his throat until he can’t see it anymore.
Maybe then he’ll be worth listening to.
Big talk from the dude who got knocked out by a punching bag.
OMG, how is this posted and referenced on every comment section of his? How did he get pseudo famous with this video in circulation‽
Just make sure you’re out in front pal, I want to make sure I get a clear picture.
Stay strong Canada.
I like how these fuckers are able to just say anything rn
Hell, not even the US wants to be a part of the US under the current dictatorship.
The amount of treason that is openly committed by these people is astounding.
Is there no law or anything like this in place? Why hasn’t our government called her out on all her actions? She’s suppose to be representing Canada and doing what’s best for Alberta and Canada. She’s literally popping over there and openly committing treason. There’s no other way to see this.
I don’t actually think there’s a rule against speaking against Canada (nor would most want there be). IANAL, but from a legal perspective I think there’d be a better case for counseling the crime of election interference.
Try it Ben lol you’d be number one on American propaganda hit list. Like what Ukrainians did to Russian propagandists
Lol, you think we have people that are desperate enough yet? I mean they will be, but they’re too busy currently justifying egg prices.
Nobody in Russia was desperate to invade Ukraine. But when your country is run by an idiot, any stupid thing is possible.
Window treatment
Crazy how Ben will threaten a nations leader, but if someone does it back, he will probably cry about it. Nothing applies to these dumb Yanks and Yankaboos
He’s a grifter. Literally jews for Hitler. I hope his side wins 100 percent. That’s the only way him and his family would pay for thier crimes.
They won’t do anything to Ben lol He’s their pet. I love how he perceives himself though.
Ben can’t even argue or debate like people think he can. He picks his targets. He should just go back to what he knows best. Creeping on AOCs feet. He wants that democrat feet.
There are genuinely intellectual conservatives but the oligarchic media intentionally prop up pseudointellectuals to further dumb down the population. And I guess it is working.
There are genuinely intellectual conservatives
There are not.
Conservatism is ingroup loyalty as a theory-of-everything. They’ll invent whatever pretense is necessary to promote the hierarchy of their guys over our guys, because they think that’s all there is to reality, let alone all there is to argument. To be a conservative is to be in this form of tribe.
The smarter ones invent better bullshit. That bullshit tricks people who are not doing performative loyalty. Some of us argue against it, like the answer would change who they’re loyal to - some of us argue for it, because ‘what the loyalists really mean’ is desirable, regardless of the unrelated awful shit they keep doing instead.
You’re describing people who bought and defended the bullshit. Actual conservatives now call them communist traitors. They don’t fucking care what they said yesterday. They don’t understand why you do.
Conservatives will abandon any idea, in favor of loyalty. They do not believe ideas. They believe people. If their top guy says the sky is green, you better fucking agree with him, and make up some bullshit to explain why - or you’re saying he doesn’t belong on top. Disagreement and disloyalty are the same thing, in conservatism. Nothing they do makes sense until you understand this.
Let us all remember that when the Soviet Union fell, they did not end the Cold War, they just changed tactics.
It’s well known that their most effective tactic for destabilizing a nation is to pour resources into boosting both sides of every debate or social issue, this poisons the well so nobody knows what’s real and just defaults to whatever the controlling party says is real.
They are doing a very similar tactic right now, by boosting absurdism like the whole narrative of an “armed takeover of Canada” as if that’s even possibly a thing. Casual browsers know somewhere in the back of their mind that it’s absurdism, but they hang on every word because it’s sensational.
This is WWE theater. Like the whole administration since the beginning, it’s designed to spin stories to keep dumb fucks engaged and wondering what’s going to happen next, simultaneously believing in the stories but also knowing logically it’s not true. Literally the same cognitive dissonance that made us have to argue with our friends back in the 90’s that no, the World Wrestling Federation is NOT employing actual necromancers, that no, it’s not a real sport, no the performers would not be allowed to bring swords and weapons into the ring if it was real.
USA has no actual intention of taking over countries like Canada and Panama, they just want to make some huge distraction and sensational story, so that when they change interest rates or deregulate some banking laws, nobody will notice.
This isn’t to say the rhetoric isn’t dangerous, but what they’re doing financially is going to be far more damaging to our actual future in America.
I think you’re assuming that Russia is being led by super geniuses that are able to manipulate every possible narrative.
Russians aren’t super geniuses. Trump is certainly not a super genius either. And we saw Putin make the completely stupid move of invading Ukraine.
Not saying the US will definitely do something like invade Canada. But when a country is run by idiots, we can’t really predict anything they might do.
And when libtards rise up, you and your dry-wife will be raised up, too.
And when libtards rise up
checking the history of Italy from 1919 to 1940
I cannot find anything in here about liberals rising up. Did you mean… socialists?
Try 1848.
Do you think the right differentiates? That’s all I’ve got to say without become pedantic. That means “being stodgy and strict with rules and definitions”, in case you were wondering. /s
Easy there, Heinrich Himmler
Lol. Normally not Ok with this, but I’ll make an exception,
PP was all in with Trump and fElon, also… Until shit started going down in the US. He’s a traitor.
Yea and the whole Trump “He’s not my kind of guy” thing screams like a lie to get Canadians to think Skippy isn’t affiliated with Trump. But Skippy meeting with the family that owns the largest chain of for-profit hospitals is what scares me the most. If he wins, he’ll push either an American system, or more likely a 2 tier system. Either way we get fucked.
To “work the canal”? Does this idiot think they row the boats through it or something?
He thinks they are digging the canal or something. Can’t blame him, the american education system is a failure
Ben Shapiro is supposed to be one of the bow-tie wearing, Ivy League educated, violin playing, chess mastering “Smart” conservatives.
Ben is literally 5’2 and legally should be classified as a woman. Creepy little goblin he is.
legally should be classified as a woman
Don’t put his stink on women. Maybe classify him as a rodent.
Yeah you’re right, can’t do our sisters like that. Ben should legally be classified as non human instead.
Maybe he imagines that like in the Thames river people open wooden doors by manually turning a crank
That’s actually a pretty chill job and, depending on the lock, you might get a nice and free house to live in.