Lmao, I’ve got a bullet for every magat fuck that crosses the border. Last thing they’ll hear is a tree speaking French
“Great state of Canada”…
To be fair, I heard a news anchorwoman in British Columbia refer to the US as “the lower provinces” lol. I had never heard this before, but since it was used casually on a newscast I assumed it was a fairly common expression. Maybe Bonespurs heard about that and got a burr in his diaper.
I’m down with that. In fact, can Canada just annex Oregon and Washington? I would consider emigrating to Canada myself. But…that’s hardly a trivial thing to do. Plus packing is such a pain in the ass. Plus, selling a house, moving companies and all that. Ugh. What an effort. It would be a lot more convenient for me if we could just move the border a good ways south.
The problem is that there is a not-insignificant number of people that want the US to annex Canada.
In the US, about 15% of Trump voters would support annexation of Canada, even if Canada didn’t want it. That’s about 1 in 7.
The disturbing thing is that about 18% of Canadian Conservatives would support annexation. That’s almost 1 in 5. Most of us know five Conservatives, so chances are you know someone who is essentially a traitor. I think Conservative supporters need to be aware that this is the company they keep.
I think Conservative supporters need to be aware that this is the company they keep.
Going to be voting conservative this upcoming election given that they’re the only party supporting legal & registered firearms owners. While this is one of my hobbies ultimately I don’t want the 2nd amendment, I don’t want to be known as an American, I like how our country does daily background checks on people purchasing firearms and if Trump ever does decide to go forth trying to annex us I’ll do everything I can to defend my home. 🇨🇦
If liberals or NDP spent more time working with legal firearms owners and put more focus in reoffending criminals instead of attacking our community, banning & confiscating our property, maybe I would consider voting for them.
The one in five conservatives who want to be annexed by America know its the only way they can get American citizenship since they are probably low education and low skilled labour that America doesn’t even want. Otherwise they would just move to America.
That 18% number is based on polls that may be kinda susp, but even if it were true a lot of what I’ve heard from the dumbass gallery has been:
“Cool, then our dollar would finally be equal to USD” and “It’ll be easier to get flights to the US and Disneyland” or “Then we can vote in a proper government they’re and fix things”
I doubt the appetite for such goes much past a lack of critical thinking into what the realities would be
Hi, American here.
A lot of us have been saying that for about a decade and been wrong at about every turn.
This may be so but as we’ve seen in other contexts - e.g., Brexit and the last US election - these are exactly the people that can do incredible damage that can last generations.
Absolutely. I’d also hazard that a certain portion of these “ideas” actually come from agents working social media etc to promote them .
They’re not just throwing out “DEI bad” but also “and wouldn’t you like…”
This is just the reality of living in a free-thinking world.
Horrible thought that so much of the population is that fucking stupid
Oh please fuck right off with this apologist bullshit.
I don’t care what people think, and it wouldn’t matter if I did, as long as they keep their treasonous sympathies on their own head.
The moment they voice it or act on it, then it becomes expression. And freedom of expression does not extend to treasonous or seditious speech or action, as it’s defined in the criminal code.
And anyway, where freedom of expression applies, it only protects against government suppression or legal repercussions. It has nothing to say about me making their lives miserable and making sure everyone knows they’re treasonous Yank sympathizers and just generally untrustworthy pieces of shit. And these people know that which is why they rarely make their views known publicly.
Well that, and they know that if they out themselves they’ll be the first up against the wall if shit gets ugly.
I don’t think you’re being open minded enough. Sounds like your head needs some ventilation
The grass isn’t greener over here. It’s pay to play in a bucket full of crabs.
Also understand the psychological games being played. All this shit is psychological marketing social manipulation. You need a strong grasp understanding… I couldn’t even say what specifically but… But it’s almost impossible to get sucked into it even if you understand it.
It’s like just talking about the drama they are presenting is to already be failing at fighting it. But the paradox is you still have to fight it… Somehow.
After reading about Rubio’s stupidity during the G7 meeting, Brussels should ask Canada to join the EU. It would force the UK to vote again, the EU would be number one in GDP and Putin’s Fucking Sock Puppet would have an aneurysm.
You don’t say?
I just was involved in a yelling match this morning about Polievre.
Just some background: I’m a farmer in N. Alberta. We farmers love coffee and visiting. There’s half a dozen of us around the shop talking about this, and I safely would say everyone was against Trump, even weirdos that defended him during the election. Even then, though, I’d say the Trumpists here were about 1:10. Now it’s zero.
But one person tried to stand up for Polievre this morning, saying he wasn’t going to back down to Trump. Everyone else, and these are all what you would call older men, between 50 and 70, had a crack at this guy. The prevailing attitude is that Polievre isn’t telling the truth, doesn’t have our backs, and nobody is willing to take the chance that he’s not lying.
That’s in backwoods, buttfuck Alberta. I don’t know if this holds true across the prairies, but this is an area where the word Liberal is an epithet. But I wouldn’t be surprised to see the CPC get decimated at this point, even in rural ridings.
I’m worried Trump will back down when an election is called, and it will take the edge off, and Polievre will get in. I don’t trust the fucker, but most rural voters just need the barest hint of a reason to not vote for the Liberals. In the end, nothing that happens west of Ontario matters, but I imagine if it’s like this here, it’s way more obvious in the East.
I live in the Ottawa region and the attitude around here is simply that Trump handed the Liberals the win. I don’t think this election is unsalvageable for the Conservatives (and frankly I think it’s dangerous to think so) but they’ve got a mountain to climb, that’s for sure.
Ontario’s demographic in Toronto and Ottawa could be summed up as “urban conservative”. Interestingly many of them think of themselves as left-wing or progressive and think the same of the Liberals. The reality is very different: they view public servants, the poor, and any other right-wing punching bags as undesirables, they protest any efforts to get housing built, and they even harass striking workers. But hey they’re down with “the gays” so they’re forward thinking right?
I’m sure enough about Polivre to stump for the Liberals. I’m just worried about bursting into flames when I cast a ballot with an L on it.
This headline is subtly dismissive.
“Angry” and “right now” both suggest a transient state. That’s not what we’re seeing.
“Canada has finally had enough of the USA” would be a more apt title; or “Canada reaches its breaking point.”
Alongside of the #Never51 hashtag is an almost equally frequent #NeverGoBack. Canada, as a nation, as a people, are making the decision to go their own way, and never be so beholden to any country as we have been to the USA since 1959.
Never. Go. Back.
I used to be angry.
I still am, but I used to be, too.
What happened in '59? Avro Arrow?
The other thought I had was NORAD but my quick googling points to 1958 for that, and 59 for the arrow.
another one issue that I considered was the King-Byng affair, but that was in the 20s
I hope you’re right, but the public’s memory is short.
Yea, in the US it lasts less than 4 years.
That’s about right everywhere. 2 is a big ask, only huge scandals last that long.
Most people just aren’t that into politics. They still vote, though.
The public’s memory is immaterial. The public really has no long term power. Decisions are made for us by politicians and businesses.
They’re the one’s who need to remember that the US has threatened their positions.
Voting with your wallet doesn’t make for sustained, long term change. It requires too much work, and it’s umder constant attack by marketing.
The public really has no long term power. Decisions are made for us by politicians and businesses.
If you had said short term I’d agree with you, it’s all politicians, but over the long term public will has made a lot of changes the Lords of old would not have approved of. Getting reelected is hard and even safe seats aren’t forever.
We do not live in a dictatorship, and we don’t have to pay bribes to the local RCMP or say nice things about the Prime Minister like we would in a dictatorship. Hell, businesses can’t even donate the same way as voters in Canada, all they really do is whine and threaten doom.
I’ve been unhappy with them for years tbh its kind of nice that i’m not alone now. Is anyone else finding it hard to access things on reddit now? Just today, I can click to read about pandas and fluff but try to click on anything canadian tarrif related and nothing happens, can’t read it?
Trump did not campaign on a war with Canada. No one elected him to do this. Everyone who isn’t mad has brainworms.
He literally started this tariffs thing last time too. No one can claim to be blindsided by this.
Everyone who voted Trump - including those mad because they did not elect him to do this - has brainworms.
It’s just that Americans don’t care, Americans will burn the rest of the world in the hopes of cheaper gas.
The threats to Canadian sovereignty feel very new and the reaction from Canada feels very different this time.
To be clear, I think Trump voters are idiots being scammed, but are too morally repugnant to be sympathetic, they 100% suck. Even if Trump stuck to the things he promised, those things would also be very bad.
I do care, I served with Canadians and have Canadian friends. I hate what we’re doing to our neighbors and am ashamed to see a flag I served twice, more and more resemble a nazi flag.
The threats to Canadian sovereignty feel very new and the reaction from Canada feels very different this time.
That much is fair to say. The disrespect amped up a thousand percent compared to just threatening tariffs like last time, which explains why the reaction feels so different.
But once again, even though the scale is increased and it might feel new to you and to many Canadians, nothing here should be a surprise. Trump praised Putin on invading Ukraine, he in no uncertain terms threatened the invasion of Venezuela, and floated the idea of bombing Mexico.
Threatening to annex Canada is surprising insofar as being a surprising choice of target. That he’s deranged and bellicose towards other countries, it’s nothing new. So every time he points his enshitification gaze at some other group, Americans voting far-right (or not voting at all) will still be defensive as we tell them: yes, you voted for this shit, exactly this shit, you just didn’t realize you were doing because you didn’t give a fuck.
Now the target is kind of a friend, so a few fucks are given. That’s the only, and very minor, difference. Can I predict which country he’ll threaten next? No. But he will keep at it. Over and over.
Edit to add one last thing: “They elected him based on his campaign” is a cop-out. Electing someone based on what they say (promises) instead of based on what they did (specially to others) is a form of “not giving a fuck”.
I think it’s a pretty big difference, if Trump was campaigning on a strategy of invading Canada from the start, I see things playing out very differently.
if Trump was campaigning on a strategy of invading Canada from the start, I see things playing out very differently.
Obviously, but irrelevant. Like I said… Electing someone based on what they say (promises) instead of based on what they did (specially to others) is a form of “not giving a fuck”.
Trump will not campaign on being aggressive towards allies. He’ll do it after securing power. During campaign, that’s what the “America First” rhetoric means: vote me to strong-arm everyone I can. People voted him in for this, now we’re seeing it.
There was ample evidence that he would be belligerent against allies.
I see your points, but it also seems you’re trying to make your adversary a whole lot smarter than they actually are in order to feel more righteous in your upset.
These are not deep thinkers. They are often poor and poorly educated, quick to fall for a scam. They don’t think, they believe. The best reaction is ridicule, it strikes at the heart of their biggest insecurity. Though anger is understandable and I’ll help make sure it’s heard.
I don’t know why you think I’m assigning Trump voters any intelligence. I am certain they’re incapable of critical thinking.
I’m not saying people are interpreting what “America First” means. What I’m saying is that the meaning of “America First” is clear to anyone who thinks it through, and it takes a moron to not to consider that eventually Trump’s aggression will turn to allies, and to large swaths of his own voter base as well.
But the fact that the meaning is obfuscated in discourse doesn’t change that people voted for this, because there was ample evidence of the true meaning, evidence that can only be ignored purposefully. They voted for this, they voted him for “America First”. It’s like driving home without thinking, with the brain fully on autopilot. People know what they’re doing, even if they’re not thinking it through.
Problem is, tens of millions of ignorant people elected him to do whatever. They just liked that he hated educated people, brown people, trans people, women, gays, foreigners, and so on. Apart from that they didn’t really care about the details.
But that’s the thing, they elected him based on his campaign and he never mentioned anything like this during his campaign. If what you say is the case, why did he talk nonstop about grocery prices right up to the election? Did they like the hate? Very much, conservatives are hateful people. It just doesn’t pass the smell test. Invade Mexico? That kind of matches all his other hateful rhetoric for everyone south of the US, but a country full of white people? We only do that if your asian ally bombs us first usually.
If you’re going to judge his plans based on his campaign speeches, then you deserve nothing but ridicule.
It was a full fucking YEAR before the election that he was invited to say he wouldn’t be a dictator, and he declined.
“We love this guy,” Trump said of Hannity. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’"
That was from December of 2023.
Oh, and how about his faithful?
“We’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections,” said Kash Patel (gain, from late 2023)
Here’s an article from a month earlier: "A mass deportation operation. A new Muslim ban. Tariffs on all imported goods and “Freedom cities” built on federal land.
Every single person who voted for Trump in 2024 or didn’t bother to vote at all has explicitly said they support a violent, expansionist, nazi regime. Nearly every person who voted against him did not enough to keep him from gaining power, and ARE STILL NOT DOING ENOUGH. Instead of taking up arms (literally or figuratively) against him, you are defending his voters.
Take some ownership of your problems.
Well it’s not so much a problem of my personal making, I was saying all the same things you’re saying. I talked and talked to people, which I hate doing, going down the list for why this guy sucked and why Kamala was way better than Trump, no matter how you slice it. He scammed stupid people (we have a lot of stupid people) and stupid people also tend to be bigots. He also had a billionaire buy votes in crucial areas and our courts didn’t see a problem. We’re fighting the same billionaires you’re going to be fighting when the same fucking thing happens to you. We’re all on this spaceship Earth together. If it gets nuked, that fucks you too.
I’d have less trouble believing this if there was any meaningful backlash from his supporters. Currently there isn’t even meaningful backlash from his opposition, so colour me doubtful.
To be fair, even though it feels like 2 years already, it’s only been a couple months. I’m not expecting much though, so your point stands.
We will fuck those muricans up! ELBOWS UP!!!
75 million of us studied for the test, took the test, passed the test, and still failed.
Standing in a street with a sign isn’t going to fix this. 60% of us still need to work 5 days a week just to eat, or at least sort of eat while our kids actually eat. The DNC didn’t even ask for a single recount they quietly rolled over and gave been laying on the floor ever since, and they’re the ones with all the money.
So, in your fury, what would you suggest?
I’m in Canada. Don’t be so fucking sanctimonious. It’s going to hurt you and your family to stand up for your own country and yourselves. If you don’t it’s going to hurt mine so fuck you and them too.
But my job and my house. Fuck you. For me it’s my kids and my family and my friends. My trauma kit is stocked and my gun cabinet full and ready should I or anyone else need to do your fucking because you have to go to work.
Standing in a street with a sign isn’t going to fix this.
75 million people standing in a street with signs would be a start.
75 million people blockading government buildings, preventing the Nazis from doing their job would definitely help.
How many people protested Vietnam? How many people were involved in the Stonewall riots? For fuck’s sake, how many people were involved in the January 6 attempted coup? They may have been fascist thugs, but they got things done instead of sitting around saying “I can’t do anything, it’s the government’s fault!”
FUCKING ACT! If signs don’t work, then get more signs. Barricade government buildings. BREAK THE FUCKING SYSTEM and stop whining about it!
You mean 75million people typing “don’t blame meeeee, I didn’t vote for the guy” won’t make a difference?
So, in your fury, what would you suggest?
Get organized and ramp up your activism, whatever kind fits your life and priorities.
Standing in a street with a sign isn’t going to fix this.
People often say that. But standing in the street with a sign can be the first step in encouraging and recruiting people to do some actual resistance. The power of protest is that it brings people together and shows them others are also willing to show their discontent. From there, you can build your networks and move on to other things.
If there’s 75 million of you, get out and fucking obstruct things. Stop asking people in other countries how to clean up your own mess, learn a little about civil disobedience, and start doing it.
Like everyone here, I have no patience for your passive aggressive “this isn’t myyyyy fault” attitude. Is it mine? I’m in a foreign nation, for fuck’s sake. Maybe you really can’t do anything from your own situation, I understand that, but then don’t come in here acting sanctimonious about it. Your labour is providing for the military machine that’s threatening me and my family. I have no sympathy.
Thing is, that the reason why Biden dropped out of the race is because a not insignificant portion of that 75 million was okay with fascism over a second Biden term.
Guns. Americans own lots of guns. You have the 2nd amendment that is exactly to be used for just this sort of thing.
Elbows Up!
Rightfully so
I, along with a lot of Americans, are furious at America right now. I keep trying. Nothing is working, but I keep trying. The unworthy rich have systematically created what is happening right now, and the ignorant supported them. I will not stop trying. No matter what. I will not stop. Nothing I do may ever work, but maybe it will allow someone else a chance.
With the state of things, this post will definitely be used against me. But I will never stop. I am on the right side of history as long as I think about those that are the most vulnerable and fight as hard as I can to defend them. And to be clear, I’m talking about the innocent people that Trumpler and Muskrat are targeting. Fuck Trump. Fuck the trumpanzees that suck his toes. Fuck all those that know what they are doing, but still do it anyway.
Look, I appreciate what you’re trying to say.
But man, do I really not care. When they say “at the US”, it means “at the US”. If there is one silver lining to this whole mess is that it is extremely, fundamentally, not about your feelings right now. We had to watch that trainwreck in slow motion, wondering what entitled nonsense of an excuse you were going to ride all the way to fascism (Gazan eggs, was it?) and now we don’t have to give a crap anymore because it’s done. I intend to take advantage of that.
But hey, you do all those things. If you guys ever come out of the sinkhole send a postcard. I’m sure our own survivors would loooove to know how it all went down from the Commonwealth of Eastasia or whatever is left at that point.
I am an idiot. I was yelling into the void and hoping to reach out and maybe give inspiration? to someone, BUT as an idiot I didn’t realize that posted in a Canadian community. Yeah, we deserve everything we get. I can’t stand to even talk to other people I work with who are helped make the situation the way it is. We are fucked here.
I am sorry
It happens.
Get organized.
Damn right we are fucking mad.