Then there is me who is the first 3 panels 24 hours a day since I was 13, tired for decades getting 8-9 hours of sleep 😅 at least insomnia is rare. I don’t wish insomnia on almost anyone. The 4-5 times I had it were the most frustrating hours…
If you’re able to do so, try exercise. That was my problem: too much energy to sleep, too tired to expend energy due to poor sleep.
It feels like I spend 15 hours waking up.
Or be me who’s currently stuck in a sleeping schedule of waking up at midnight so I get tired in the afternoon
I wanted to play VR yesterday but when free time actually came I was too tired to do so
Welp, time to move to a different timezone.
She’s always in the mood for a BJ, but not at night?
I am asleep a 21:00 like clockwork, so WHY IN THE ACTUAL FUCKING FUCK AM I WIDE AWAKE AT 23:00!!! Fuck you brain, you stupid loud, anxiety riddled bitch
I swear I’m nocturnal
Me when I wake up at 2AM vs me when I have to wake up at 6AM
How did you get this picture of me every fucking day since reaching adulthood?
I have insomnia due to bi-polar. This couldn’t be more true. It took many years to learn how to manage it.
what did you learn?? there’s a bunch of us up waiting for an answer
I came to recognize certain ticks that indicate that I’m in a manic state. For example, I randomly make a sound popping my tongue on the roof of my mouth. I have a different level of nervous energy that expresses through bouncing my foot or similar movement (different from what happens otherwise; I can feel it more than I can explain it). I have a more rapid delivery of speech. Also, it feels really good when I’m manic. I started to recognize mania and get excited for extreme productivity before the horrible burnout a few times before I was willing to actively suppress it. Oh, and racing thoughts.
There are other flags, I can’t recall them. There’s a medication that helps knock me down and I haven’t had a full-blown manic episode in years. I had to go through a bunch of manic episodes before I could identify the symptoms. I literally thought I’d never be able to control it and became extremely depressed. If you’re going through the same, please know that you can learn to manage your condition with time and lead a “normal” life.
Have you tried reversing the polarity?
Let’s just wait for the earth to do it for him.
And bouncing it off the main deflector dish?
That’s the one I use to steam grated zucchini, right?
I finally listened to what my body was trying to tell me and got a 3rd shift job.
Sleep… what’s “sleep”?
I’d find it hard to get any good night’s rest when 4 rambunctious teenagers want to hangout in your living room, watch tv, and order pizza all night.
Only if you let them