The job market is very hard right now. It feels like 2009 all over again. It took until 2014 to recover in my local area.
And there is a LOT of new devs getting pushed out. Crazy.
nice project!
Hi, nonprogrammer poking my head in from all. What happened in 2009?
A global recession.
oh huh, really showing my age here heh
Oh don’t worry you’ll get to experience one firsthand in [ checks watch ] about 20 minutes.
My local area was hit bad about a year later than everyone else. But once it hit, houses were close to 1/2 the price of what they were going a year earlier + unemployment was up to about 20%. It was VERY bad and I remember trying to get a job in the middle of it. I got lucky and got something around an hour away while quite a it of my social group moved away.