My girlfriend will look at things eg. Colours, items, clothes, food etc and point out all the things she likes. For me those things just exist and I don’t have much of an opinion on them. Like theres 100 paint colours them but they’re all fine, how am I meant to know whether any are better than the others.

I am also not known to get visually excited about things, I got a skydive for my 30 birthday and I think everyone was disappointed with my reaction even though inside I was very excited to do it.

    5 hours ago

    The former could be blunted emotions (you just don’t feel feelings strongly), could be alexithymia (difficulty deciphering one’s emotions that are felt, commonly co-occurs with Autism) and you do or don’t like it, could be both, I could be wrong and it could be something entirely different.

    The latter sounds like flat affect (you don’t express emotions strongly externally)