So, it’s raw?
Weirdly enough, that’s not the problem with this. The etymology of the word “sushi” stems from a reference to rice. The fact that there’s no rice in it is the etymological problem with this, for what that’s worth.
I mean, this is just using the traditional North American grain – corn – instead of rice.
Are you saying my culture is wrong?! /s
I’ve eaten a lot of raw hotdogs in my day. I wouldn’t mind
That’s a corndog bleu.
A corndog with cheese inside would probably sell well.
Korea already has that, and they are amazing.
That’s great news! My cardiologist has been looking at getting a boat.
Is that ketchup peeking out from the bottom of the photo, oh fuck yea, a man of culture and influence prepared this
This prompts me to question your definition of “cultured.”
Mold is a culture.
I k ow, right?
No BBQ or horseradish sauce? So pedestrian!
I would fucking destroy this.
It absolutely should be destroyed, and all evidence of its existence erased .
What the fuck are you on about this is some gourmet shit.
It’s an abomination and a monument to the hubris of culinary science.
A corndog is simply a beef wellington from a different socioeconomic status so don’t be classist.
Pork Texas-ton.
There’s all beef wieners but if it’s the more common pork/beef blend then it’s a peef wellington.
I stand corrected…uh…what did you say your name was? Ah, I stand corrected, you there.
Interesting that you chose a monarchist for this!
(I don’t know if he is, I just stereotyped him)
Just today heard that some restaurant in the UK switched from selling sushi to selling hot dogs. This is what I imagined that to look like.
Holy crap! That’s one hell of a transition!
“Alright, folks! Sales are down, and we’re changing over the line! Get that 5.56 ammo stuff out and get the baby pacifier stuff in. C’mon people, let’s move!”