My class was on holiday in Romania to this village near Decebalus’ Danube Gorge in Banat and classmates, mostly from a city, were impressed by my woodcutting skills. I can chop the easiest blocks at this pace but only briefly… At best I could do about half that in 8 hours, while sweating like crazy and drinking 6 liters of water. I’d also catch a cold and need a week to recover. Also, I’d leave an assortment of gnarly blocks and chopped pieces on the ground, no way I’m loading even half of that the same day.
My class was on holiday in Romania to this village near Decebalus’ Danube Gorge in Banat and classmates, mostly from a city, were impressed by my woodcutting skills. I can chop the easiest blocks at this pace but only briefly… At best I could do about half that in 8 hours, while sweating like crazy and drinking 6 liters of water. I’d also catch a cold and need a week to recover. Also, I’d leave an assortment of gnarly blocks and chopped pieces on the ground, no way I’m loading even half of that the same day.